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Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Integration, Dataverse...

Portal - Entity LIst - can you have horizontal scrolling

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I have a use case where we are having our customers go to a portal. We want to make all the columns available to them that they would want to download in an Excel spreadsheet (using the Download feature on an entity list).
Unfortunately, adding all the necessary columns (more than a few) causes the columns to /scrunch/.  The portal doesn't seem to have an option to have horizontal scrolling as we do in the MSD interface.  
I am looking to find out if anyone has been able to achieve this.  My UI people are really bothered by the scrunching.
I'll attach two examples - one that looks nice and one that looks bad.  Unfortunately removing columns is not an option - all those columns are required for the people making the decisions here.
  • ShannonCRM Profile Picture
    ShannonCRM 500 on at
    Portal - Entity LIst - can you have horizontal scrolling
    We did the suggestion where we set the columns to specific sizes, in addition to the "word-break" suggested by the other poster,  and it has solved our issue. So both items together were required.
  • Suggested answer
    Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 2,752 on at
    Portal - Entity LIst - can you have horizontal scrolling
    First, you do not usually need to adjust the CSS.
    This is not the best forum for Portal questions, this is link is the forum specifically for Portal/Power Pages
    To answer your question start by setting the column widths:
    1. Use the Portal Management App / Power Pages Management App 
    2. Find the List in question, and open its definition
    3. Go to the Options Tab
    4. Then in the Grid Configuration section, enter numbers for each of your columns in the Override Columns bar (you can also specify another column label here if you want also)
    5. Then tick the Advanced checkbox at the top right of the Grid Configuration section
    6. Ticking the Advanced should unhide a number of options including "Grid Column Width Style" set this to Pixels (the numbers you entered in #4 will now render the columns in pixels, and add scroll bar if too wide for the current screen width)
  • Portal - Entity LIst - can you have horizontal scrolling
    They're aware they can customize the visible columns, and understand that it would enable the horizontal scroll if needed. 
  • Verified answer
    Dengliang Li Profile Picture
    Dengliang Li Microsoft Employee on at
    Portal - Entity LIst - can you have horizontal scrolling
    I placed a list of the Case entity within a blank page.
    I removed the word-break attribute from the style of that div element.
    This way, the horizontal scrollbar appears.

    If my answer was helpful, please click Like, and if it solved your problem, please mark it as verified to help other community members find more.
    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me .
    Best Regards,
    Dengliang Li

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