Re: upload SOP transaction using integration manager.
Hi Kevin,
To achieve this, in short, you will need to set up an Integration in Integration Manager. Assuming you own the module and you have it installed. There are a number of sample integations included that will give you an idea of where to start. If you have people in house who are experienced in setting up Integrations, they should be able to make a good attempt at it.
Realistically, the only other option for SOP is eConnect. Econnect takes data from an external system and integrates it into GP - obeys all of the business logic etc. The error reporting is very good, and the management time required can be zero or at least very limited. There are a few things to watch out for, so really, an experienced eConnect person would be required. Lok for someone who has done a few in the recent past and ask for references...and talk to the references. Of course, if you have a GP Partner helping you, you should talk to them.
Where is the data coming from before it ends up in XL? If it is coming from another system, then eConnect should be able to take the data straight, no need to spend time exporting to XL, formatting it for Integration Manager, then running the integrations etc. It might be economically viable, so would be worth looking at.