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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

How to void a "work" payment?

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Posted on by 165

How do I void a "work" payment? When I open my list of invoices for a vendor, I must have accidently applied payments to them all and now I have "work" payments that I want to void but can't figure out how to.

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  • juandedios74 Profile Picture
    juandedios74 66 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    Hello Leslie,

    What can I do if I'm in this process and get the "Document is Fully Applied" popup?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    Worked ! Thank you Leslie. I love the program but get frustrated like handling my own affairs , but gratefully appreciate you all out there

  • Verified answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?


    All is not lost :)

    I've seen this happen a number of times. Because of the way the buttons were named, it happened a lot. The Build Batch button used to read 'Save'. When you 'Saved', you'd create a batch that paid all outstanding invoices. That wasn't what folks normally wanted to do. You have a couple of options, pick the one that works best for you. My assumption is that you are not using EFT. The game changes a bit if you're using EFT.

    1. If the checks haven't been printed yet, just delete the batch of checks. Launch the batches window from the payables transaction area, bring up the errant batch and hit the Delete button. All of the checks in the batch will be deleted.

    2. Open the Edit Check Batch window and select a vendor on the left and then uncheck the vouchers you do not want to pay on the right.

    3. Open the Edit Checks window and delete or edit the check transactions one by one (boring, I would rarely pick this option).

    One of these should work if you haven't already printed the checks, which I don't think you have.

    Let me know where you stand.

    Kind regards,


  • emilybuer Profile Picture
    emilybuer 165 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    These payments are listed as "WORK".......I can't seem to get rid of them. There is a batch sitting there that says "check processing" but I cannot do anything with it.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    Emily, when you see WORK it means that what you are doing has not been POSTED.  If something is not POSTED you can not VOID it.

    WORK means that somewhere your batch is in process.  If you were trying to print checks and it did not complete that task, I would suggest looking at the Print Remittance option.  When the number of invoices being applied to a single check exceeds 11 or 12 the system will automatically generate a separate remittance document.  This will hold the check processing up until these are printed.

    As Leslie stated earlier, if you have built a Check Batch and applied them to Invoices that now you do not want - AT ALL - simply find the name of the Check Batch and delete that batch - now that will delete all the transctions in the check batch - so you can 'pick and choose' from within the batch by looking at either Select Checks or Edit Checks.

    Either way, you can not look in VOID for something with status of WORK.

    Hope this helps.  If you need more assistance, might I request a screen shot to see where the file might be.

  • zulfi721 Profile Picture
    zulfi721 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    Emily if it is in work status then payment can be deleted.....check the screeshot and delete button is there.......with the red cross sign........

  • emilybuer Profile Picture
    emilybuer 165 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    The payments are not history. They are "work". The batch is in "check processing" status and I cannot do anything with it. Half the time it doesn't even appear.

  • zulfi721 Profile Picture
    zulfi721 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?


    If you have posted and applied the document then its status would be history......

    Transaction>Purchasing>Void Hisorical transactions....

    Here just void your payment and thus after voiding payment, invoices would again become available for appliying..

    Hope this would help........

  • emilybuer Profile Picture
    emilybuer 165 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    Yes I am! How would I print the checks and void them then?

  • Suggested answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: How to void a "work" payment?

    Sounds like you may have used the 'select checks' window and selected too many vendors, or too many invoices. If you open the Batches window in payables and then hit the lookup button, are all of the batches in the Available status?

    Depending on the status, you could just delete the batch of payments, or pick through them using the Edit Check Batch window and remove the ones that you don't want. If the batch is too far through the processing, you can always print the checks to the window and void the whole batch.

    Are you in this situation?

    Kind regards,


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