How do I get the voucher number to print on the receipt?
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How do I get the voucher number to print on the receipt?
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Thank you for the information. The version I have is 2.0.1006, and yes, I was asking about the receipt printer. I will follow up after trying this.
PLEASE make a Backup first.
I don't recommend you do this without putting some security in place because then anyone can just type in the number and use the funds from the card.
Which version are you on? I also assume this is for a receipt printer not a full size printer.
Open the Receipt.XML file in notepad. This file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Retail Management System\Store Operations\ReceiptTemplates or
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Retail Management System\Store Operations\ReceiptTemplates
Find this section.
<ROW> "|New Balance :" ENTRY.NEWBALANCE </ROW>
Change it to be
<ROW> "|Number :" ENTRY.Serialized.Number1 </ROW>
<ROW> "|New Balance :" ENTRY.NEWBALANCE </ROW>
Save the file. Then you will need to import the template into RMS.
open SO Manager and goto Database -> Registers -> Receipt Formats
Select the "40 Column Receipt Format" entry -> click properties -> select the top properties button for sales receipt. Then click the "Open... " button. find your receipt.xml file in the directory above and select it.
Click OK
When Prompted to update all transaction types pick yes, unless you use separate ones for each transaction type.
Click OK
Then you must restart the POS on all registers.
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