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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Multi Level Rate Entry

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Is there a way to delete a Rate Table in Multi Level Rate Entry?  We have old rate tables that are no longer used or attached to projects as well as rate tables that never should have been set up.  I'm trying to clean these up.  

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  • Suggested answer
    Ram Peru Profile Picture
    Ram Peru 2,830 on at
    RE: Multi Level Rate Entry

    Hello Amber ST.John,

    You can do the delete operation either through Dynamics SL Or SQL Operation.

    Please follow the below instruction to delete the records from PJRate table.

    1. Open the Multi-Level Rate Entry ( AL.RAT.00)

    2. Select Rate Table


    3. Select Rate Type


    4. The Grid loads the data from PJRate table based on the Rate table & Rate Type

    5. Place the cursor position on the Grid record which you want to delete from the PJRate table

    6. Delete button has been enabled automatically once you placed the cursor position on the Grid Record.

    7. Click the delete button on the menu bar

    8. Click the Save button to reflect the changes on PJRate table.

    Otherwise you can use the below Query to delete the record from PJRate table.

    PJRate primary key field:

    rate_table_id, rate_type_cd, rate_level, rate_key_value1, rate_key_value2, rate_key_value3, effect_date

    Delete Query (run the Query on Application Database):

    Delete from PJRATE Where rate_key_value1 = 'XXXXXX' and rate_table_id = 'XXXXX' and rate_type_cd = 'x' and rate_level = 'X' and effect_date = 'XXXXX'

    Rate_key_value1 should be the project or account category

    Rate_table_id should the code_value from PJCODE table.

    rate_type_cd value is based on the PJRTAB, PJCODE & rate_table_id

    rate_level is the level specified on PJRATE table

    Effect_date is the value given on PJRate table.

    Please take the backup of PJRate table before deleting the records from PJRate table.

    Hope this will help you.


    Perumalsamy R

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