We have recently upgraded to CRM 2016 from CRM 2011 and removing unsupported code and resolving issues occurring after upgrade.
Address entity form having an Iframe which contains several custom Lookups. Issue is when we open the address form (update mode) for very first time all lookup show blank once we close the form and reopen the same Lookups get populate properly. I have debug the code and didn't find any issue with script written on IFrame page.
Same form is working fine in CRM 2011 organization.
FYI : When I am opening the same Form in IE10 it is throwing a 'Mscrm' is undefined error when navigating within the site itself. The URL which is throwing the error is pointing at "http://myOrg/Demo2016/userdefined/edit.aspx?_CreateFromId=----". Code snippet is below where it is breaking :-
<script language="JavaScript"> window.setTimeout(ribbonRefreshForArticle, 2000); function ribbonRefreshForArticle() { var uri = Mscrm.CrmUri.create(window.location.href); if (uri.get_query() != null && uri.get_query()["etc"] == Mscrm.InternalUtilities.EntityTypeCode.KbArticle) { refreshRibbon(); } } </script>
Line : Mscrm.CrmUri.create(window.location.href); causing the issue.
FYI : We have not run any update on the upgrade till now.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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