Hey all,
I have a few custom entities with N:1 relationships to the Order entity. In the Order form, I have sub-grids for these entities to see all records related to an order. 2 of these sub-grids have a relationship that requires an order, and they seem to work as expected (hit the plus sign, the new window opens, stays in front until you close it). One sub-grid (Training) is set to optional instead of required by design, as this specific entity could have a record independently of the order. When I hit new and get my Training window as expected, I fill out all my details and hit save. It immediately puts the Training window behind the main Order window I was previously in (or perhaps it brings the order in front). I then have to re-select the training Window to either add more information or close it. This occurs every time I make a change to the Training information in that window and hit save again.
I already tried removing/deactivating all JS, Workflow, and business rules that are in any way related to the Training entity, but it didn't make any difference. Also, this seems to occur in Internet Explorer but when using Chrome I do not experience this issue. Unfortunately, most of our users have been trained to use Internet Explorer as it has historically played nice with all the other functions we have.
As a test, I added a JS onSave function that after a 2 second timeout sets the focus on that form to be one of the fields. This does pull the window back in front after it disappears for 2 seconds while saving completes. This band-aid is not going to be an acceptable solution to my IT department (I'm not a fan of it either) so I'm hoping to figure out the root issue. Not sure how to troubleshoot it further though.
Any ideas why this is happening? We plan to update to 2016 on premise fairly soon, any chance that upgrade might fix the issue?
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