I am just getting started using Dynamics Business Central, and a few weeks ago I tested the functionality to crate a purchase invoice from an email with an attached invoice document. This worked okay in a test company, but now I want to create my first invoice in a real company and now i doesn't work.
First I struggled a bit with understanding why my vendor was not visible in Contact Insights, but after a while I realised that my vendors must also exist as "Contacts". (I wish a vendor would automatic be a contact, but that is an other question).
I created contacts for my vendors and now I can find my vendor (in this case vendor 00012 Microsoft) with the Contact Insights button in Outlook - and I can choose the action New->Purchase Invoice:
When I press the Purchase Invoice function/button, I can see that something is started because the 5 dots starts to move from left side to right side of the screen :
but this just continues forever. At some point a black box turns up at the buttom of the screen saying "Working on it ..." :
After 10 min. I cancel the process by closing the outlook window and now I can actually see the invoice in Business Central, but as I was never given the change to enter required data, this is missing and worst of all - the incomming document is not created, so the created purchase invoice is useless.
Am I missing some settings or ???
Best regards
Thomas Madsen Nielsen