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How to add or condition in rdlc report layout in business central

Posted on by 151

Hi Guys,

I am facing one query in rdlc expression.

In my example : in my report layout there is one field. i.e. Authorized By .

and condition for that field is : If there is a value in field -> approved by or Field -> approved by name then only signature will be taken.

and all this fields have mediaset data type.

i am writing below expression on rdlc but still signature is not show on report.

 =iif((Fields!ApprovedBy.Value<>" ") Or (Fields!Apprv__by_Procurement_HOD_Name.Value<>" "),Fields!Authorised_By_Signature1.Value,False).

Is any way to do this.

  • GER_Nico Profile Picture
    GER_Nico 115 on at
    RE: How to add or condition in rdlc report layout in business central

    I think the easiest would be to add the signature field to your report and show or hide it based on your condition.

    Or have I misunderstood what you want to achieve.

  • Nilam Bhor Profile Picture
    Nilam Bhor 151 on at
    RE: How to add or condition in rdlc report layout in business central

    No, i dont want to hide field.

  • Suggested answer
    GER_Nico Profile Picture
    GER_Nico 115 on at
    RE: How to add or condition in rdlc report layout in business central

    Are you using the "Hidden" property in RDLC to show or hide the field? This property takes true or false, true hides the field and false shows it. The result of your condition is true if one of the fields has a value, so then the field is hidden. So you have to replace <> with =, to show the field, if one of the fields has a value. Also, an empty field doesn't contain a space, so use "" instead of " ".

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