Hello guys,
So, I'm wondering whether it is true ?
Here is the way I create my Data entity:
1. Create new data entity, with primary table is InventModelGroup, then later I'm adding relation to existing data entity : ExoResReleasedProductV2Entity ->
2. I need to put range in my Data source InventModelGroup, so I found in internet, because the condition is 'OR' condition, I'm using RecId field and put this statement in Property of the RecId range ->
So, based on that, I need the query to return records if in the Model Group is stock item or the modelgroup name is /Standard/.
3. However, actually there is one more OR condition which looking at some field in EcoResReleasedProductV2Entity (custom field named M3_Product which is an enum). So what I did is to add this ->
If I take a look at SQL, I didn't see that M3_Product field as the /where/ filter of its underlying query.
So, the question is is true that range in data entity is not effect, only by specify range in its data source. But how to make it OR condition from different table ? If I add range in 2nd datasource, wouldn't it be 'AND' condition ?