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Using ER (Electronic Reporting) I would like to change the filter to find records that CONTAINS a value

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I have an ER Report that is working fine with the following filter on a record

Filter(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation,TableRecords.DirPartyLocation.PostalAddressRoles="Remit to")

but I need to change the filter to show the record that contains the value "Remit to" and not where it is = (Equal)

I have tried the following but it returns an error 

Filter(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation, Contains(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation.PostalAddressRoles,"Remit to"))

  • Suggested answer
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 13,539 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Using ER (Electronic Reporting) I would like to change the filter to find records that CONTAINS a value

    Hi Sophs@4Sight,

    I dont think that you use contain function for LogisticsLocationRoleType Enum type.

    You can try with OR function to check it helps:


    , OR(Tables.DirPartyLocationT.PostalAddressRoles="Invoice", Tables.DirPartyLocationT.PostalAddressRoles="RemitTo"))

  • Sophs@4Sight Profile Picture
    Sophs@4Sight 133 on at
    RE: Using ER (Electronic Reporting) I would like to change the filter to find records that CONTAINS a value

    Hi Alireza

    Our ER report needs to print two different addresses on the report. 

    The first address selects from the customer addresses where the Purpose = 'Invoice' and the second address selects from the customer addresses where the Purpose = 'Remit to'

    The problem is if we use Filter with = 'Invoice'.  The purpose field can have multiple Purposes.  So the field's value for Purpose contains 'Business;Invoice;Remit to'.  If I try to find records where it is = 'Invoice' it wont find the address.  I need to find where Purpose contains 'Invoice'.

    Thank you

  • Suggested answer
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 13,539 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Using ER (Electronic Reporting) I would like to change the filter to find records that CONTAINS a value

    Hi Sophs,

    Can you elaborate that why you need to use contain function?

    Can you fulfil this with and/or function also?

  • Sophs@4Sight Profile Picture
    Sophs@4Sight 133 on at
    RE: Using ER (Electronic Reporting) I would like to change the filter to find records that CONTAINS a value

    Good day Alireza

    On the report it is working fine with the following filter on a record

    Filter(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation,TableRecords.DirPartyLocation.PostalAddressRoles="Remit to")

    but I need to change the filter to show the record that contains the value "Remit to" and not where it is = (Equal)

    I have tried the following, but it returns an error. 

    Filter(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation, Contains(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation.PostalAddressRoles,"Remit to"))

    also tried: 

    WHERE(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation,(CONTAINS(TableRecords.DirPartyLocation.PostalAddressRoles,"Remit to"))) 

    this query does not give a validation error on the formula designer but gives an error at runtime: "Filtering is not supported. Validate the configuration to get more details about this".

    Thank you.

  • Suggested answer
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh Profile Picture
    Alireza Eshaghzadeh 13,539 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Using ER (Electronic Reporting) I would like to change the filter to find records that CONTAINS a value

    Hi Sophs.

    Please try to use Where function instead of Filter.

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