RE: Prepayment amount queries and prepayment flow in Navision 2018
Prepayment processing works like this:
Setup - Customer Card can have a default Prepayment %.. This will default to all Sales Order but can be changed on the Sales Order. NOTE: Make the change before inserting Sales Lines as the Prepmt. Amt. Line Excl. GST will populate a value. If you make the change after insertion, you will need to manually change this value.
If a Sales Order has a Prepayment % and on the Sales Lines Prepayment values, this total will appear on the Prepayment Invoice, WHICH MUST BE POSTED before proceeding. After you post the Prepayment Invoice, the Sales Order Status = Pending Prepayment. When the Customer pays the Prepayment Invoice, the Sales Order will then change the Status = Released. NOTE: This happens automatically if you have setup the Job Queue for Codeunit 383. run this Job Queue Recurring every 15 minutes.
Now you can process the Sales Order as normal. If any changes/additions are made to the Sales Order, when you Post Invoice, the Sales Invoice Total less Prepayment will be a Receivable.
To answer more of your questions:
1. Prepayment will ONLY appear on the Prepayment Invoice
2. You can also modify the Posted Sales Invoice to reflect the Prepayment and reduction of the Total
3. Prepayment will effect any Sales Lines inserted up to the Posted Prepayment Invoice is generated. All Sales Lines thereafter will be part of the Open Receivable after you Post Invoice on the Sales Order.
4. Status = Pending Prepayment (waiting on payment). After payment Status = Released
Hope this helps.