I am interested in learning about more advanced features within the FA module, if they exist.
Many times, assets can become damaged, and a damage report may be filled out by a FA manager. Is there a way to tie in damage reports to the FA Module? Is it possible to have an email automatically generated once a damage report is completed that is sent to the appropriate contacts (approver for repair or even vendor who may fix the asset)? Is it possible to track all of the information associated with asset repairs, such as what happened to the asset, how it was fixed, where it was fixed, how long it took, etc. via a database? If so, can that be a web-based tracking where users may not need access to GP? Sounds like the functionality of Business Portal, but I am not too familiar how Business Portal ties into the FA module. Also, what is the best way to maintain the contracts/warranties for fixed assets? Would the Field Service module be applicable for any of this? If so, what are the capabilities of that module? I haven’t been able to find a lot of detailed info over that module on partnersource.
Also, some fixed assets may leave the building for offsite jobs. What is the best way to track the equipment when it leaves the building? Is it possible to scan the asset tag and associate the asset with the person who has custody of it, the date it was checked out, the purpose it was checked out, etc. Is this a function of GP? I know that asset custodians can be assigned by pulling from a list of employees from the HR Suite, but if that module is not used can custodians still be assigned?
Lastly, how can I track when certain assets (personal computers) are due for renewal/upgrades/maintenance. Is there a tool available that would help determine the life expectancy of the computers based on past maintenance, etc? Is it possible to run a report to show which computers are due for upgrades based on certain date parameters? I am assuming we can, using Report Writer and a User-Defined field. I would also like to be able to track all of the information associated with a computer, such as the operating system, memory, and other various information. I am assuming user defined fields would also work for this, but is there a better way?
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