I tried to upload journal that hit my Customer (130001)/Vendor (131001) & Bank account (OCBCSGDC1 & DBSSGDC1) via "General Journal".
However, below message popped up:
The field Bal. Account No. of table Gen. Journal Line contains a value (131001) that cannot be found in the related table (G/L Account).
The field Bal. Account No. of table Gen. Journal Line contains a value (130001) that cannot be found in the related table (G/L Account).
The field Bal. Account No. of table Gen. Journal Line contains a value (DBSSGDC1) that cannot be found in the related table (G/L Account).
The field Bal. Account No. of table Gen. Journal Line contains a value (OCBCSGDC1) that cannot be found in the related table (G/L Account)
Attached please find the excel file used for journal import via Table 81.SPV_5F00_01_5F00_NON-BANK_5F00_Jan20.xlsxSPV_5F00_02_5F00_Bank_5F00_Jan20.xlsx