i have a flowfield in ItemCard i want to transfer only its value to a customized normal field located in item journal and i need that field to be editable. Is it possible?
i have a flowfield in ItemCard i want to transfer only its value to a customized normal field located in item journal and i need that field to be editable. Is it possible?
Hi, This is possible, such as the simple example below.
Source Code:
tableextension 50112 MyExtension extends "Item Journal Line" { fields { field(50100; ZYInventory; Decimal) { DataClassification = CustomerContent; } modify("Item No.") { trigger OnAfterValidate() var Item: Record Item; begin if Item.Get(Rec."Item No.") then begin Item.CalcFields(Inventory); ZYInventory := Item.Inventory; end; end; } } } pageextension 50112 MyExtension extends "Item Journal" { layout { addafter("Item No.") { field(Inventory; Rec.ZYInventory) { ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'Inventory'; ToolTip = 'Inventory'; } } } }
Hope this helps.
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