RE: SMS Integration with Dynamics 365 & Portal
Hi Dan, Portal capabilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides authentication functionality built on the ASP.NET Identity API. ASP.NET Identity is in turn built on the OWIN framework which is also an important component of the authentication system including Two-factor authentication with email or SMS
Requires Microsoft Dynamics 365 Portal Base, the Microsoft Identity, and the Microsoft Identity Workflowssolution packages
Changing the mobile phone value occurs slightly differently from changing the email. The new value is held in a temporary storage without changing the original value. A SMS message is sent to the new mobile phone number containing a security code. Only after the security code is submitted back to the portal (and verified) is the old mobile number replaced with the new value.
Related Processes:
Related Processes:
•Send Sms Confirmation To Contact
◦Note: the workflow for this process contains a temporary step that sends the security code by email. This is a placeholder step that needs to be replaced by a new step capable of sending SMS messages.
1.Submit new mobile phone (unconfirmed)
2.Wait for SMS with security code
3.Process: Send Sms Confirmation To Contact
4.Replace this email step with SMS step
5.After submitting a valid security code
Dynamics 365 Portal capabilities
ADX Vs Dynamics Portals
Best Wishes, Raz