I am trying to setup a more automated process for us to build kits, using the table import function as it is right now our CAD software dumps us out a BOM and I want to be able to use this for kit imports, Im trying to follow this procedure here http://community.dynamics.com/gp/b/gpjanakiram/archive/2011/07/14/import-kits.aspx#.Ud3VPkHbP5N
But im drawing a blank on some of the required options.
Item Number – Fill this field with Kit parent code. <- I assume this is the Kit item number so for example Kit1
Sequence Number – Fill this field with Sequence number 16384, 32768 so on for each component line item. <- How will I know a sequence number of an empty kit with no line items yet? Or am I mis-understanding what its asking for
Component Item Number – Fill this field with the component code of the Kit parent code. <- I assume this is the individual component Item numbers
Component Item U Of M – Assign the U Of M for each of the components. <- Self Explanatory for each component
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