I need to frequently generate many open phone calls based on lists of Contacts. The Contact entity has custom attributes roughly equivalent to storing 3 individual CRM users on each Contact (User1, User2, and User3). User1 is always the contact's rep for X part of the business, User2 is their rep for Y part of the business, etc.
I periodically need to identify a set of contacts, generate an open phone call for each of them, and assign that phone call to a specific user who will be 1 of the 3 individuals mentioned above. That individual is often not the actual owner of the Contact.
I tried using the results of Advanced Find on Contacts to create the calls via a Quick Campaign. However, I see no way to dynamically assign these calls to an attribute of the call's recipient (Contact). I can only assign the calls to myself, a queue, or the Contact’s owner.
I tried creating a workflow that would fire when a new phone call gets added, but it does not allow referencing of Activity Party (Contact) like Advanced Find and therefore cannot reference the Contact’s custom attributes.
If I could figure out how to generate mass open phone call records (e.g. usually 2000 or more) and set the Regarding of the Phone Call to the Contact itself, I could create a workflow to do the rest. However, I only know how to create mass open phone calls via campaigns and they seem to automatically set the "Regarding" to the campaign (or quick campaign) itself. The campaign to us is incidental and is really only used as a means to create the phone calls so if there is another way I am open to it.
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem without custom code?
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