I have a dynamics 365 backup file, I was able to restore in a local mssql server instance, I have access to all columns including the `Incoming Document Attachment` one, I want to use Javascript to get all the document records and create local copies of the pdf files, I am using the official mssql server client and the `Content` column is converted to a buffer that I can use to create the files but when I tried to open the file I get errors related to the file being unusable, I would like to know if there is an special encoding key or decryption key I need to get to generate these files, it is my first time working with dynamics and I have no idea how to proceed.
Note: I also tried to copy the text content (hex encoded string) and I used Javascript to get a buffer and create the file but no luck also, I was not able to open the file.
Thanks in advance for the help.