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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Issue while upgrading GP 9.0 to GP 2010R2

Posted on by 180

I am upgrading from GP 9.0 to GP 2010 R2 and finding trouble completing the table upgrade using GP 2010 Utilities.  The process followed is as below,


1.       Installed latest update (9.00.0388) for GP 9.0 – Completed successfully

2.       Upgrade tables using GP 9.0 Utilities – Completed successfully

3.       Installed GP 2010 R2 – Completed successfully

4.       Upgrade tables using GP 2010 Utilities – I get sql script error as below and the upgrade process gets aborted here. 

 The following SQL statement produced an error:
 create procedure dbo.taFSEquipmentMaster @I_vSERLNMBR char(21),    @I_vITEMNMBR char(31),   ...

ERROR [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'SOPNUMBE'.


Below is the environment details,

GP Server:  Windows 2008 Server Standard SP2

SQL Server:  Windows 2008 Server R2 Enterprise SP1 with SQL Server 2008 SP2

Any thoughts sincerely appriatiated... thank you.

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  • Nagendra Baskar Profile Picture
    Nagendra Baskar 180 on at
    Re: Issue while upgrading GP 9.0 to GP 2010R2

    Sorry for the delayed response on this.

    Thanks Jonathan, I have upgraded all the companies successfully now to GP2010 R2.  As you and Tim suggested there were issues in Field Services and fixing the core module worked for me.  Firstly, the Field Service product was not included in the set file as I already mentioned and the there were some missing tables (SVC related tables) that was firing errors while upgrade.

    To resolve this I have followed this,  

    1.  I have restored GP 9.0 database on SQL Server 2000

    2.  Made sure all the missing SVC data objects are in place

    3.  Set up GP 9.0 with latest SP (Included the Field service product in the set files)

    4.  Applied the latest GP 9.0 hotfix (9.00388)

    5.  Upgraded companies successfully  

    6.  Installed GP 2010 and moved GP 9.0 database to SQL Server 2008

    7.  Upgraded companies successfully

    8.  Applied GP 2010 R2 update

    hope this is all.

  • Re: Issue while upgrading GP 9.0 to GP 2010R2

    Tim is correct that you will want to fix this issue as Field Serviecs is a core module that should be installed. If you do not use the module you can reinstall it by using the following scripts:

    Delete DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where PRODID = 949 and db_name = 'xxxx'

    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000020 where PRODID = 949 and companyID = xx

    Delete DYNAMICS..DU000030 where PRODID = 949 and companyID = xx

    You can find the Companyid by running the following script:

    select CMPANYID,CMPNYNAM,INTERID from Dynamics..SY01500

    Last you need to run the following drop scripts against each company you need to reinstall the module for:

    Drop Table SVC00010

  • Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    Re: Issue while upgrading GP 9.0 to GP 2010R2

    Do you have a backup?  Maybe you want to restore the GP 9.0 Data and reapply the Service pack to complete the FS table upgrade properly?  I'm hoping that this is a test upgrade in a test environment.

    The version information is in the DB_Upgrade and DU000020 tables in the DYNAMICS database

    Are you trying to remove field service from your system (i.e. you don't use it and there's no active data)???  You would have to remove entries from upgrade tables to complete this.  If you do this, you may have trouble re-installing Field Service later.

    If you're in a Production environment you may want to get more assistance than this forum can provide.


  • Nagendra Baskar Profile Picture
    Nagendra Baskar 180 on at
    Re: Issue while upgrading GP 9.0 to GP 2010R2

    Thanks Tim!!

    Based on your suggession I just realised that there was an error that faced on Field Service (949) product when the upgrade tables was done using GP 9.0 Utilities(latest fix).  Below was the error,

    FieldService:  Unable to get extended version information for product 949

    To overcome this I had removed the product 949 from Dynamics.set and DynUtils.set.  Can you please suggest the right fix to handle this error?



  • Suggested answer
    Tim Foster Profile Picture
    Tim Foster 8,515 on at
    Re: Issue while upgrading GP 9.0 to GP 2010R2

    Check for the presence of the column named SOPNUMBE in table SVC00300.  It should be the last column before DEX_ROW_ID.  If it's not there there might have been some sort of failed upgrade of Field Service tables.


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