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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Struggling with "memorized reports"

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

So at my place of employment we do our previous days sales and reports every morning.  Recently I started toying around with the "memorized reports" option.  It's pretty straight forward how to pull up the reports and save them to the memorized category.  I am struggling the data though....... 

What I want is to be able to set the reports up with a filter, say like "Date sold - Yesterday" -- And when you pull it up, it will always be the previous day.  When I am currently doing it, it will do the initial day ---  If I were to do it right now it would do Sunday June 5th, which is great because that is yesterday.  However, if I come in tomorrow and do that same report, it will continue with Sunday June 5th instead of following "yesterday." 

I hope this makes sense.  I am just trying to make my team's life easier by setting up all the reports for them and just having them print them in seconds.


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  • TheNeos Profile Picture
    TheNeos 1,339 on at
    RE: Struggling with "memorized reports"


    This may work providing every single day store is open and next day report is generated.

    Follow Brian Buchanan's instructions and locate the report "Sales - Detailed Sales Report.qrp". Open it with NotePad. You don't need to change anything if the filter is as indicated by BB. You may need change to True or False in the columns for the ones you want "ColHidden = False for the others "ColHidden = True.

    Save it by renaming "Custom - XXXX.qrp" in the reports folder. It works if you save as UTF-8 file. Check after save the extension remains ".qrp".

    Restart the Operations Manager and you should see this in custom report. It is a little easier then typing the dates every time as it will start on today's date but with calendar drop down is only 5 clicks and generate.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Struggling with "memorized reports"

    I found this somewhere (possibly here on the Dynamics Forum) - If you aren't afraid of tweaking things yourself it is pretty straightforward.

    If not I can forward the .qrp report to you.

    To modify a report to only show data from yesterday in Store Operations, follow these steps:

    1. Locate your Store Operations reports folder.

      Note By default, the path of the reports folder is the following:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Retail Management System\Store Operations\Reports

    1. In Notepad, open the report that you want to modify.
    2. Scroll through the report until you locate the "SelCriteria =" line.
    3. Replace the "SelCriteria =" line with the following.

    SelCriteria = "convert(varchar(10),(Getdate()-1),101) = convert(varchar(10),[Transaction].Time,101)"

    1. Locate the "//--- Filters ---//" section, and then delete the following lines:

    6. Begin Filter

    1. 7.    FieldName = "[Transaction].Time"
    2. 8.    FilterOp = reportfilteropBetween
    3. 9.    FilterLoLim = "<Today>"
    4.    FilterHilim = "<Today>"

    End Filter

    11. On the File menu, click Save As.

    12. Change the file name to Custom - XXXXX Report.qrp

    Note Replace the XXXXX characters with a descriptive title for your custom report.

    13. In the Save as Type list, click All Files, and then click Save.

    14. If Store Operations Manager is running, you will have to close the application and then restart it before the modified report will be available.

    15. In Store Operations Manager, click Reports, point to Custom, and then click your modified report.


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