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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

how to unapply a @*%&$$& credit

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I'm making a manual payment and I applied the wrong credit note to an invoice.  I realized that when I went to post and I have $0.60 left over.  There's nothing in credits and nothing in Apply to uncheck and deleting the manual payment will only permanently affix the wrong credit note to that invoice.

I have 2013 version or Great Pains - have they fixed, shall I say nicely, that idiosyncrasy with the 2018 version?  In the meantime, is there anyway around this except to void the invoice, void the credit note, re-enter both and start all over again?  My Bedford DOS program from the nineties was easier to use than this program - no credit idiosyncrasies.

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  • Bob Harrison Profile Picture
    Bob Harrison 809 on at
    RE: how to unapply a @*%&$$& credit

    "I before E except after C" unless it says A as in nEIghbor or wEIgh. That is a wEIrd rule.

    Read in another place that unapplying in payables makes fraud easier, where in AR it is not an issue. In Payables the payment is authorized, so changing it is not usually allowed. (Except for mistakes!!)

  • GP for JP Profile Picture
    GP for JP 100 on at
    RE: how to unapply a @*%&$$& credit

    thank you for your time in addressing this issue.  Yes, AR is handled differently than AP.  In teaching a new person, it would be so much easier to learn if they both worked the same way; but each has quirks that the other doesn't.  But there is no "I before E except after C" rule to easily remember.

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: how to unapply a @*%&$$& credit


    Once the credit has been fully applied, it moves into History so that you can't 'unapply' it. If it had only been partially applied, you can 'unapply' it. Voiding the credit is now your only choice. As Richard said, it will move the vendor invoice back to the Open file and you can apply a new credit against it.

    Curiously, in Receivables you can use the PSTL tool to unapply a receivables transaction, but payables is not the same. I understand your frustration, it seems the data flows through each of the modules is a little bit different.

    Kind regards,


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: how to unapply a @*%&$$& credit

    There comes the GAAP compliancy again. Voiding the credit memo needs to kick off not only payables transactions but also ledger transactions. If you make things to simple think of what would happen if you clicked the button when you did not mean to click it. Then you would have to have a way to click it back all the while you are generating transactions in the background. GP was designed by accountants and you know how they can be. (only kidding)

  • GP for JP Profile Picture
    GP for JP 100 on at
    RE: how to unapply a @*%&$$& credit

    why cannot I do something SIMPLE, like simply unchecking the credit note from the invoice?  No matter.  Thank you for your time.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: how to unapply a @*%&$$& credit

    Why don't you simply void the historical credit memo which will bring the invoice back to open and then enter the credit memo again and apply it to the correct invoice? No need to void the invoice. The old DOS environment was good and even GPA for DOS was GAAP compliant but nothing runs it any more and it was not very good at being multi-tasking. Double DOS was an interesting program at the fist attempt at multi-tasking.

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