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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Testing the Change of GP Password

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


Soon, we will be moving our GP 2013 R2 databases to a new SQL instance.  Doing so will force a change of all GP users' passwords.

I'm testing GP in a test environment, while pointing to the soon to be new SQL instance.  As usual, we ran through the steps outlined in KB article #878449.


Just now, m logged in as "sa", I changed someone's GP password to "OldSQL123".  The box for changing that user's password at "next login" is checked in GP's User Setup window.


So, I logged into GP as that user in the test environment, with this "OldSQL123" password.  In the window that prompted me to change the password, I entered "P@ssword123".


I got the message "Password change failed for an unknown reason", and I was asked to contact an administrator.


The following are our company's SQL password requirements:

the password must meet the Microsoft SQL Server Strong Password requirements:

•         Does not contain all or part of the user's account name

•         Is more than eight characters in length

•         Contains characters from at least three of the following categories:

o        English uppercase characters (A through Z)

o        English lowercase characters (a through z)

o        Base 10 digits (0 through 9)

o        Nonalphabetic characters (for example: !, $, #, %)


Can you all think of any GP or SQL aspect that would prevent me from logging in as this user with this new password?  Both of the passwords that I'm testing with meet the above requirements, unless I'm mistaken.


Thanks!  Much appreciated!


*This post is locked for comments

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Testing the Change of GP Password

    Actually, I found this morning from talking with someone in IT that there was an extra "step" that was not given to me a few months ago when I was first told about the SQL password policy.

    You have to put a special character in the password.  Again, I was not aware of this until today due to that "piece" not being in my instructions.

    Thank you, to all of you who chimed in!  I apologize, for the bother.


  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Testing the Change of GP Password


    Agree with Beat.

    You might also like to take a look at below community post. David & Leslie has good input in this subject.



  • Rosemary Profile Picture
    Rosemary 4 on at
    RE: Testing the Change of GP Password


    Thank you for this other option, it does seem less complicated.

    Thanks again

  • Suggested answer
    Beat Bucher  GP Geek  GPUG All Star Profile Picture
    Beat Bucher GP Gee... 28,058 Moderator on at
    RE: Testing the Change of GP Password

    Hi John,

    Though Rosemary's link is one way to tackle the password migration issue from one SQL server to a new one, there are easier ways to handle this..

    If you own the GP Power Tools, there is function embedded in it that will allow you to reset all the passwords in one shot and force all users to re-enter a new one at the 1st login.

    You have to know that the GP user password (except for 'sa') is encrypted based on the server name that's defined in the ODBC data connection on the GP client side... this is very important that the server name from the link is the same across all your systems (including the server), otherwise your passwords will not be able to resolve against the SQL login.

    One trick I used to migrate from an old SQL 2005 server to a new SQL 2008R2 system, without changing the GP version, was to use a DNS Alias for my GP server.. on the client side, my GP server is named DYNAMICSGP as a canonical name that can be resolved in the DNS lookup by any PC and points to real server name.

    This way, once you moved your production databases to a new server, all you have to do on the DNS side is pointing the ALIAS to the new location.. No password reset and not ODBC change required on the client side.

  • Rosemary Profile Picture
    Rosemary 4 on at
    RE: Testing the Change of GP Password

    Hi John,

    Take a look at this document

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