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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

Workflow User Group (either 1 to approve) and Overdue Notification

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Posted on by 35

Hi, I have an issues on Overdue Notification under Workflow User Group setting 'Either 1 to approve'. In my setting, I have two approval officer and either 1 can carry out the approval.

1. When sending the PO for approval, two Approval Entries created.
2. When either 1 party approved, the document status become RELEASED and all are good.
3. Issues on the Overdue Notification, the system still sends out a notification to the other party and ask the other party for approval.
4. I believe it is due to the second Approval Entries Status OPEN.


Can advise, how we can stop the overdue notification since the entire process should be completed. 


  • DarrenChew Profile Picture
    DarrenChew 35 on at
    RE: Workflow User Group (either 1 to approve) and Overdue Notification

    Hi Zhu,

    Thanks for the respond.

    I did all the setup on overdue workflow and notification base on Microsoft guide. We can either run the report 'Send Overdue Approval Notifications' or set it up in a batch job.

    pastedimage1671587557570v1.png  pastedimage1671587613819v2.png

    All are work well except those cases with Workflow User Group approval. It keeps sending to the other member in the user group as overdue but in actual fact the document already approved by another member in the user group.

    I checked the approval entries. Since we are using the user group approval, it will create multiple (depending on the number of members in the user group) Approval Entries with status = OPEN. When the one of the members approved the request, his/her Approval Entries Status changed to Approved but the other member approval entries status still OPEN. Somehow i believe it get pick up by the 'Send Overdue Approval Notifications' and sent out a notification. (Refer to my first post print screen)

    Hope my explanation is clear on the issues I face and hope someone can help me. Many thanks.



  • DarrenChew Profile Picture
    DarrenChew 35 on at
    RE: Workflow User Group (either 1 to approve) and Overdue Notification

    Hi Daniele,

    Thanks for your respond. There is no issue on workflow approval setup and notification. All work well. The only issue is the overdue notification when I try to use User Group Approval (either 1 to approve) features. I setup two officer in a group and either one of them can process the approval (having same seq. no.). I have tested the workflow and when Approver 1 process the approval, the PO document status will change to Released and all are working well. However, the 'Send Overdue Approval Notifications' still sent out a notification and asking Approver 2 to approve. The PO already approved by Approver 1 and not need for Approver 2 to approve. It there a setting that we can correct the 'Send Overdue Approval Notifications' ??

    Thanks & Regards,


  • YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,970 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Workflow User Group (either 1 to approve) and Overdue Notification

    Hi, hope the following helps as well.

    How to: Send Overdue Approval Notifications



  • DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,274 Moderator on at
    RE: Workflow User Group (either 1 to approve) and Overdue Notification


    look this


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