What do people think of the new search engine in Customer/PartnerSource? I must be using it wrong because if is very difficult to find anything. For example, I tell it MS Dynamics GP and then tell it it to search for 'email'. It finds too many articles. On the right side of the screen it has a section called Related Searches. Listed there is 'Dynamics GP 2010 how to email invoices from SOP'. You click on that link and it returns nothing. What is the point of listed related searches that return no result?
You have also lost the ability to tell it which module to search. So now anything it does find covers all modules. Is there some trick to using this engine so that it actually could be useful? I have just found this new search engine to be combersome and not very effective in narrowing down your searches. If there is a training video or documention to help humans think think like it thinks please let me know.
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