Hello there!
I'm triying use setActiveStage() in the process with Lead/Opportuniny but it don't set the stage.
I'll explain>> I'm using it setActiveStage(Stage1 Id , function (status).......) that changed to stage1 and auto-refresh the form.
If I use it in "only opportunity" process it work (When I make a opportunity with olds cliens). But I want use in Lead/Opportunity (When I make a opportunity by a new client) it don't work. I've get the Id in Boths ways to make:
setActiveStage (Stage1 Id || Stage1 Lead/Opp Id , function (status).... but it keeping don't work with lead/opportunity.
MY dude is, in this case setActiveStage work?? or we have a special function in this area?
thanks for your time and answering.
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