I'm trying to create a custom QRP report in RMS displaying the below columns:
Item Look Up
Supplier Cost
Total Units Sold
Stock On Hand Qty
The main filter for the report is "Time" field in the transaction table, my main problem is that filtering the date will only result to items in itemdynamic table that has been sold in the transaction table. Is it possible to display all rows in itemdynamic table and show zero (0) in total units sold column if it's not been sold in the date filter criteria? Please find below the query I'm using for the report. Please note that I'm using a view to combine Transaction and TransactionEntry table to simplify the query.
TablesQueried = "FROM dbo.ItemDynamic WITH ( NOLOCK ) INNER JOIN ITEM WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON ItemDynamic.ItemID = ITEM.ID INNER JOIN Department ON Item.Departmentid = Department.id INNER JOIN Category ON category.Departmentid = item.Departmentid and category.id = item.categoryid INNER JOIN Store WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON [ItemDynamic].StoreID = Store.ID LEFT JOIN dbo.Supplier WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON ITEM.SupplierID = Supplier.ID LEFT JOIN SupplierList WITH(NOLOCK) ON Supplier.ID = SupplierList.SupplierID and Item.ID = SupplierList.ItemID LEFT JOIN VIEW_TRANSACTION_TRANSACTIONENTRY vTE WITH (NOLOCK) ON VTE.StoreID = Store.ID AND vTE.ItemID = ITEM.ID"
Thanks in advance.
*This post is locked for comments
Hey Don, glad you got it worked out. Just to clarify, I meant to include the "OR Datesold = '01/01/1900'" in the filter area rather than the selection criteria area, either by setting it manually each time it's run or by defining it in that section of the report. RMS seems to treat an OR operator in the filter as implying everything before it and everything after it as being in parentheses. So, you would have to put something like "Datesold Between '01/01/2012' and '01/31/2012' AND Department = 'Vitamins' OR Datesold = '01/01/1900' AND Department = 'Vitamins'" to get the data you want. Which would be a pain to set every single time the report was run, so if the hardcoded date calculation suits your needs, that's definitely the better solution.
Thanks guys for all your help, I've tried Spencer's suggestion but as previously mentioned, this will still not produce the correct result because RMS doesn'provide a way to Group the criteria using parenthesis. So with the above suggestion, the SQL query result will become:
Date Sold >= '11/01/2012' and Date Sold <= '11/30/2012' or Date Sold = '01/01/1900' and etc..
This will still return items only sold within the specified range. The below criteria is the correct one and should return the desired result:
((Date Sold >= '11/01/2012' and Date Sold <= '11/30/2012') or Date Sold = '01/01/1900) and etc...'
Unfortunately, I'm not aware if this is possbile with RMS, so as an alternative solution offered to the client, I have hard-coded the date range to always return the total unit sold for 2 weeks and removing the "Date sold" as filter.
Here's the code:
//--- Report Summary --- //
Begin ReportSummary
ReportType = reporttypeItems
ReportTitle = "Range Ordering Report"
PageOrientation = pageorientationPortrait
WordWrap = False
ShowDateTimePicker = False
OutLineMode = True
Groups = 1
GroupDescription = "Total"
DisplayLogo = True
LogoFileName = "MyLogo.bmp"
ProcedureCall = ""
PreQuery1 = <BEGIN>
PreQuery2 = <BEGIN>
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ViewTransactionEntry] AS
TE.ItemID ,
SUM(TE.Quantity) AS UnitSold
FROM dbo.[Transaction] T
INNER JOIN dbo.TransactionEntry TE ON T.TransactionNumber = TE.TransactionNumber
AND T.StoreID = TE.StoreID
T.Time >= DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 14, GETDATE()), 0) AND T.Time <= GETDATE() --This is the hardcoded value
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ViewPORange] AS
POE.ItemID ,
SUM(CASE WHEN ( QuantityOrdered - QuantityReceivedToDate ) > 0
THEN ( QuantityOrdered - QuantityReceivedToDate )
END) AS OnOrder
FROM PurchaseOrderEntry POE
INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder PO ON POE.PurchaseOrderID = PO.ID
AND POE.StoreID = PO.StoreID
WHERE (PO.POType <> 3 OR PO.POType <> 5)
AND PO.Status <> 2 GROUP BY PO.Storeid, POE.Itemid
TablesQueried = <BEGIN>
FROM ItemDynamic WITH ( NOLOCK )
INNER JOIN Item WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON ItemDynamic.ItemID = Item.ID
INNER JOIN Department ON Item.Departmentid = Department.id
INNER JOIN Category ON category.Departmentid = Item.Departmentid and category.id = Item.categoryid
INNER JOIN Store WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON [ItemDynamic].StoreID = Store.ID
LEFT JOIN Supplier WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON Item.SupplierID = Supplier.ID
LEFT JOIN SupplierList WITH(NOLOCK) ON Supplier.ID = SupplierList.SupplierID and Item.ID = SupplierList.ItemID
LEFT JOIN ViewTransactionEntry VTE ON VTE.StoreID = ItemDynamic.StoreID AND VTE.ItemID = ItemDynamic.ItemID
SelCriteria = ""
GroupBy = "Store.ID, Item.ID"
SortOrder = ""
End ReportSummary
//--- Title Rows ---//
Begin TitleRow
Text = "<Store Name>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 16
Color = "Blue"
End TitleRow
Begin TitleRow
Text = "<Report Title>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 12
Color = "Black"
End TitleRow
Begin TitleRow
Text = "As Of: <Report Date>"
Font = "Arial"
FontBold = True
FontSize = 10
Color = "Black"
End TitleRow
//--- Filters ---//
Begin Filter
FieldName = "Item.BinLocation"
FilterOp = reportfilteropLesserEqual
FilterLoLim = "2"
FilterHilim = ""
FilterNegated = False
FilterConnector = reportfilterbooleanconAND
End Filter
//--- Columns ---//
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.BinLocation"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Bin Location"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Item.BinLocation)"
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = True
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1440
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.ItemLookUpCode"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Item Look Up Code"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Item.ItemLookUpCode)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1440
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Item.Description"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Description"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Item.Description)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = True
ColWidth = 2535
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.ID"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Shop ID"
VBDataType = vbLong
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = True
ColWidth = 870
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Store.Name"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Shop Name"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Store.Name)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2730
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Category.name"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Category"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Category.name)"
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2535
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Department.name"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Department"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Department.name)"
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2535
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Supplier.Code"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Supplier Code"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Supplier.Code)"
ColHidden = True
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = True
ColWidth = 1410
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "Supplier.SupplierName"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Supplier"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = "MAX(Supplier.SupplierName)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2730
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "SupplierList.Cost"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Supplier Cost"
VBDataType = vbCurrency
Formula = "ISNULL(MAX(SupplierList.Cost),0)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = True
ColWidth = 1275
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = "#,###.##"
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "VTE.UnitSold"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Total units sold"
VBDataType = vbDouble
Formula = "ISNULL(MAX(VTE.UnitSold),0)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = True
ColWidth = 1275
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = "#.##"
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "ItemDynamic.SnapShotQuantity"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "SOH qty"
VBDataType = vbDouble
Formula = "ISNULL(MAX(ItemDynamic.SnapShotQuantity),0)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = True
ColWidth = 1005
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = "#.##"
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "On_Order"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Stock on Order"
VBDataType = vbDouble
Formula = "ISNULL(MAX(VPO.OnOrder),0)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = True
ColWidth = 1200
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = "#.##"
End Column
Begin Column
FieldName = "ItemDynamic.SnapShotQuantityCommitted"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
StoreIDFieldName = ""
Title = "Units Committed"
VBDataType = vbDouble
Formula = "ISNULL(MAX(ItemDynamic.SnapShotQuantityCommitted),0)"
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 1300
GroupMethod = groupmethodSum
ColFormat = "#.##"
End Column
It's an ugly solution, but you could use the prequery to create a view out of the values you're already pulling unioned with a list of all items with a static 0 in the quantity sold column and some unique arbitrary date in the transaction time column. Set the view as the table queried, then include an "OR Date Sold = '01/01/1900'" (or whatever) in your filters when running the report.
It's definitely a pain, but it will get you the data until Jeff or someone provides a better solution. Although at some point it starts to make more sense to just pull the info using Administrator every time.
The only thing there is is the Customization Guide, looking at and understanding the existing reports and lots o' practice!
Well, I've put my finger on part of the problem with the way you were going about it, which I think it what you were trying to say in your first reply.
The [transaction].time column is going to contain null values for anything that has never sold and values outside the specified date range for those that have sold but not within the specified date range. Neither of these are going to show up when date sold is filtered for.
I feel like the solution could be creating a separate view that sums the sales and joining it to the item or item dynamic table, but as was mentioned in the other thread, I don't think there's any way of to use supplied filters in constructing a view, so I'm not sure how to go about setting the dates to sum sales for. I'll think on this a bit more and post if I come up with anything.
I like your saying "My dilemma, should I teach the man to fish or should I give the man a fish?"
Not directly related to this question but to making some Active Reports in general.
I would like to do more RMS Active Reports QRP, unfortunately their is very little information regarding making Active Reports besides the customization guide.
So I would like a fishing pole and some tackle "Active Report manual or guide" - so I could do some fishing.
My dilemma, should I teach the man to fish or should I give the man a fish?
You are looking at the problem the wrong way. If an item hasn't been sold, it won't ever be in the transaction table. You should be looking at the item table first and then grab your other info from the appropriate tables.
All you are doing is the same as the Item Movement report does now. It doesn't show all unsold items either
Hm. Have you tried executing the query through Headquarters Administrator to see if it is pulling all of the information you want it to? If it's not pulling entries with null values for the transaction and transaction entry tables, we'll know the issue is in the construction of the query. If it does, then the issue is with the report itself, and we can focus on figuring out why it isn't displaying all results.
Thanks Spencer, I've tried your suggestion but the problem is still there. The reason I think is because the date filter will limit the query to items which was only sold within the date range. Is it possible to group the filters with parenthesis to include null dates? What I'm trying to achieve is to have a WHERE statement in SQL like the following:
WHERE (([Transaction].Time Is NULL) OR ([Transaction].Time >= '01/01/2012' AND [Transaction].Time <= '01/31/2012')) AND ETC...(Additional filters)
I tried adding the "Transaction.Time IS NULL" IN Selcriteria but the result is incorrect because the filters are not grouped in parenthesis.
Hi. I haven't had the chance to sort through the logic of your query and see if the problem is there, but have you tried putting "ISNULL(vTE.quantitysold, 0)" or something similar in the formula area of the quantity sold column, so that it will replace null values with 0 for the purpose of determining how many units of each item were sold?
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