HI All
The production order is ended .
But some transaction still showing received ,
can someone help me out in this please .
HI All
The production order is ended .
But some transaction still showing received ,
can someone help me out in this please .
Hi Ludwig ,
Can we delete the Work order or can we delete the received transaction from inventtrans ?
As we do not need this work order .
Hi Mohamed,
In your case the costing might be wrong.
Would recommend getting into contact with a developer to debug or alternatively opening a support ticket with MS.
There seems to be something strange here.
Best regards,
Hi Ludwig ,
what is the impact of having received transaction in a ended work order . ?
Hi Mohamed,
That's not possibly in the standard application.
Do you have a developer around who could possibly help you debugging this issue?
Best regards,
Hi Ludwig
We are using Ax 2012 R3
Can We open a closed Work Order?
Hello Mohamed,
What AX2012 version do you operate?
I am asking because if you are operating an older version, have a look at the available hotfixes on LCS first to ensure that the system behavior that you see is not related to a bug.
Below is a link to LCS.
Best regards,
Hi Ludwig ,
Can You please help me out ?
Hi Ludwig
Thank you for the quick response
Yea reset of the work order .
Hello Mohamed,
Thank you for this update.
If I get you right then the issue is related to the reset of the work order.
Is that right?
Best regards,
Hi Ludwig ,
Thank you for your response
the 'received ' transaction is the manual picking list inside the Production order .
The BOM has -ve value for the SPPVCW item , that is why it is showing received .
6 such manul picking list has been made for the SPPVCW item .
This Manual picking list contains also DBEWF001 item also .
Later the work order was reset . DBEWF001 item was reversed but SPPVCW item was not reversed .
then START (RM and Route ),RAF (FG) was posted .
then report as finished with zero quantity with end job selected .
then end JOB was done.
It is not internal transfer between warehouse , also its not from purchase order .
its a manual picking list in the work order .
Kidly help me out in this regard .
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