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Number sequence

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Hi All ,

Does AX 2012 R3 has out of box feature that number sequence with year automatically .

Example : Sales order creating in 2018 year so format should be - SO-23984 -2018 , SO-23999-2018 ...

In 2019 year ..format should be SO-23984-2019 , SO-23999-2019....

In 2020 year ...format should be SO-23984-2020, SO23999-2020.... if yes pls share configure .

Thanks !!

  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Number sequence

    Hello lally,

    If there is no legal requirement to add the date into the voucher then don't do it because this is pretty much useless and only costs (wastes) money.


    Each voucher has an associated posting date that tracks the date including the year, month and day.

    In other words, you already have the information available when you open a record/voucher; not in a single field, but in two but that is not an issue.

    If you need more information on this, have a look at the following discussion and on Martin's blog

    Best regards,


  • lally Profile Picture
    lally on at
    RE: Number sequence

    Hi Sayyed ,

    Thanks for reply . Indeed it's same requirement ,but client doesn't want any manual changes when new finance year starts . I believe AX 2012 R3 has some functionality with minor development ,but cann't recall about that .

  • Verified answer
    saransh321 Profile Picture
    saransh321 212 on at
    RE: Number sequence


    we have been using the approximately same scenario. every year we different sequence numbers for journals in GL, AP, AR, and inventory. what I have done is manually create a number sequence for each year for e.g. DJ19-0001 for the year 2019. Dj20-0001 for the year 2020. each year when the finance starts to work for the new year I create it and then manually change in the GL Parameter as well as the inventory parameter number sequences.

    This we are doing in ax2012 r3. hope it helps

  • Verified answer
    Zain Mehmood Profile Picture
    Zain Mehmood 2,715 on at
    RE: Number sequence

    Hi Lally,

    I agree with Satish here, this seems un necessary because there are many other ways you can find out which FY this transaction belongs. The challenge here would be adjusting a transaction in the last year, the number sequence will be setup to new year while the posted dates would be responding to last year.

    You can achieve this manually as Dr Ludwig said. Otherwise you would have to do some amendment.

    Warm Regards,


  • Verified answer
    Satish Panwar Profile Picture
    Satish Panwar 14,647 on at
    RE: Number sequence

    Hi lally,

    Suggest that you leverage createddate column for year rather than number sequence. This seems unnecessary / redundant to what createddate column provides. If you can't avoid it, try playing with constant in Number sequence. You may have to change the constant at the end of year and input next year.

  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Number sequence

    Hi lally,

    There is no functionality available that automatically updates the number sequence at the end of a specific year.

    If you need that then you have to make the update manually yourself or implement a system modification.

    Best regards,


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