Has anyone installed Workflow and avoided using the default website on port 80?
Since I don’t want SharePoint in the default website, I have created a new Website on Port 85 with the SharePoint administrator, and created a Collection there. In the Workflow installation I picked this Port 85 Website and it installed fine. The default page from SharePoint on Port85 opens fine, but the page http://localhost:85/sites/DynamicsGPWorkflow does not open.
Last week I tried it an experiment and gave the Workflow the default Website to use, it stopped the existing default site (including applications running in the default website) and created a new Sharepoint 80 website stopping the applications in the default website in the process – these other applications in the default website are not live. Workflow came up on port 80 fine. I removed the sites through the Sharepoint admin and the default website is back and the IIS applications in the default website work fine.
I have searched online with the Googleplex to see what I can do to make Workflow work when not using the Default port 80 Website – nothing so far.
Any ideas are welcome.
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