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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010

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Hello Everyone,

Please help me how to create a new entity as well as new custom fields in GP 2010 version.

Any help will be appreciated…



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  • soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010

    Are you independently open GP? or Open from dexterity Test Mode?

  • Sathish Sivakumar Profile Picture
    Sathish Sivakumar 3,732 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010

    Hi Soma,

    I am following the steps which you gave. Thanks a lot Soma.

    But I am facing some problem,

    Once I finished creating the table in Dexterity. In debug I select "Test Mode". It shows like this


    After that I pressed "Yes". But I couldn't find any screen on it. So I opened the dynamics GP and ran as "SA" user.

    In product field I couldn't find the "Dynamics.dic" option there and also I cannot see the table which I created. I had attached the screenshot also

    Is there any error on it or I am going on wrong way?

  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010

    After created the table in dexterity, you need create the tables in SQL via GP. Go to the Test mode from dexterity(Debug-->Test Mode) or click ctl+T from your development.

    1. Login  in to GP with sa user id.

    2. In GP, go to SQL maintenance window(MS Dynamics GP/Dynamics.dic-->Maintenance-->SQL).

    3. From this window, choose the company database(as below) if the table series is not "System" otherwise choose system database(Dynamics) and select table then mark all the Checkbox in the right side of the window. Click the process to complete the table creation.

    4. After completed the above steps you can view the table which you have created from above steps in SQL under database-->Tables.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Sathish Sivakumar Profile Picture
    Sathish Sivakumar 3,732 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010

    Hi Soma,

    Where will the Physical Name (Table) is stored in the SQL database. Because I couldn't find it.

  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010


    Follow below steps to create a custom fields and tables in dexterity.

    1. Open your Dynamics/Development dictionary in Dexterity and click "Open Resource Explorer" icon to open the resource explorer which is contains all the resource for the dictionary.

    2. Then select the "Fields" from left side pane and click the new button.


    2. Now field definition window will open. In this window enter your custom field name, physicalname(Stored in SQL server) and datatype(Select default or click new to create custom datatype). 


    3. In Left side, now go to Globals under Base and click the new button to view your custom field which created from above steps.Then click OK to add your custom field to globals.

    Note: You can add only the global fields to the tables. So, you can add you custom fields to global fields.


    4. Now select tables and click new to open Table definition window and then create your custom tables with custom field.



    Table name: This is used for calling the table in dexterity coding.

    Display Name : This is name for displaying the tables.

    Physical Name: This is the name for creating table in SQL server.

    Series: Module Name

    Database Type: Always SQL for most of the tables.

    5. After inserted values to the table click the New icon under Keys section to add key fields to the tables.


    Note: For more details about adding fields and tables. Go to the Dexterity Manuals under your dexterity installation folder and find the QSTART.pdf file. This file contains more details about the tables and fields.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Sathish Sivakumar Profile Picture
    Sathish Sivakumar 3,732 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010

    Hi Soma,

    Can you give me full step by step documentation for adding field in GP and also extending the object in web service using  visual studio. Because I'm new to Dynamics GP.

    Really thanks for your support in Great Plains.

  • Suggested answer
    soma Profile Picture
    soma 24,410 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010


    You need to create a table in Dexterity. Otherwise you can't access any custom tables created by SQL in dexterity. So, follow my above suggestion mentioned to Priya. I have suggested to priya for creating custom fields and tables.

    If you need any help regarding the same don't hesitate to ask me.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • Sathish Sivakumar Profile Picture
    Sathish Sivakumar 3,732 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010


    For creating the new field in the Dynamics GP, where should I create a table? In SQL or Dexerity.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010

    Hi Sathish,

    Please open dexterity & point to dynamics dictionary.

    in forms section, type RM_Customer_Maintenance to open customer maintenance form

  • Suggested answer
    Sathish Sivakumar Profile Picture
    Sathish Sivakumar 3,732 on at
    RE: Creating new custom fields and entity in GP 2010


    Thanks a lot it's working for me.....

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