Es I read in this forum, it happens from time to time, that the growth of the POA can exceed reasonable limits and the deletion service could get in troubles because of a timeout. As far as I remember, I had that issue in earlier days and was able to get along with that issue by cleaning up the POA as descirbed in https://support.microsoft.com/de-de/help/2664150/how-to-control-principalobjectaccess-table-growth-in-microsoft-dynamic
The thing is, the cleanup script described in that article has no errors but also deletes no more records. First i thought, ok, there's nothing more to do, but the deletion services keeps crashing every night because of a timeout. So there must be something different in what the deletion service is doing compared to the script described in the article.
I'm afraid, that the not working deletion may cause other troubles when other things are growing to big.
The SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject table has 168k records
p_GetTablesForDeletion shows a variety of tables that have deleted records.
In another article I read that an AccessMask of '0' means no access and that the records could be deleted (if so, why doesn't the script provided by MS take this into account? But what would a privilege with no access rights granted good for?).I have 3.600.000 Records with AccessMask = 0. So I thought, if the deletion service tries to do something with those records I might understand why it doesn't complete within the standard execution timeout.
Any advices how I get the deletion service working properly again?
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