We're struggling with our backordering process since we get large orders with many line items and fulfill gradually as stock arrives. It's common for us to get an order with 100 line items and fulfill 10 of them, then 15 lines, then 20, then 50, etc until we either ship everything or cancel the remainder.
We currently leave Sales Orders open until fulfilled completely or cancelled, but this is proving to be rather problematic. We'd much rather move to a backordering process whereby any unfulfilled (or partially fulfilled) line item automatically gets pushed to a new Sales Order, ideally with the same number of the original Sales Order plus a suffix like -1, -2, etc. We don't want someone to have to type in for each line item the quantity to backorder since the system already knows the quantity ordered and the quantity fulfilled. Since we could backorder multiple times from the same original Sales Order, GP's standard backorder process doesn't seem to be equipped to handle our needs since a Backorder can't be created from another Backorder.
Is there a way to get GP to push unfulfilled/partially fulfilled items to a new order? Alternatively, is there a bolt-on out there that satisfied this need? I have to believe there's a solution for this out there since backordering is so common.
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