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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

We're struggling with our backordering process since we get large orders with many line items and fulfill gradually as stock arrives. It's common for us to get an order with 100 line items and fulfill 10 of them, then 15 lines, then 20, then 50, etc until we either ship everything or cancel the remainder.

We currently leave Sales Orders open until fulfilled completely or cancelled, but this is proving to be rather problematic. We'd much rather move to a backordering process whereby any unfulfilled (or partially fulfilled) line item automatically gets pushed to a new Sales Order, ideally with the same number of the original Sales Order plus a suffix like -1, -2, etc. We don't want someone to have to type in for each line item the quantity to backorder since the system already knows the quantity ordered and the quantity fulfilled. Since we could backorder multiple times from the same original Sales Order, GP's standard backorder process doesn't seem to be equipped to handle our needs since a Backorder can't be created from another Backorder.

Is there a way to get GP to push unfulfilled/partially fulfilled items to a new order? Alternatively, is there a bolt-on out there that satisfied this need? I have to believe there's a solution for this out there since backordering is so common.


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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

    I am struggling with the same issue for a client SOP orders exceeding 100 lines and many partial shipments.  Tim you mentioned you set the Qty to Invoice to 0 via eConnect.  We are using Smartconnect and cannot get Qty to Invoice to set to 0 no matter what we do and in reading up on eConnect it is telling me that is not an option within eConnect.  Can you tell me how you did that?  Also eWarren, any tricks on resolving your issues?


  • Suggested answer
    Redbeard Profile Picture
    Redbeard 12,931 on at
    RE: Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

    While you may find customization useful in addressing the issues you're wrestling with, you might also want to take a look at Partial Picking from Appolis.

  • Tim W Profile Picture
    Tim W 2,925 on at
    RE: Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

    Hi, had to setup some tests on this (because I found it hard to believe)  but I see the issue you have and I apologize, I think because I'm a dexterity developer (and have done a lot of manipulation with these fields over the years) I believed it worked as I wanted it too, not as it does.

    My thought was you could enter (or change) a line qty and depending how the allocation was set on the type window you could control setting the qty to invoice.  Not the case.  

    At my current installation we integrate the lines (eConnect) and set qty to invoice to zero.  We run a separate fulfillment (also eConnect) that sets the quantities to fulfill and invoice.  With this setup we are able to keep the order as an order and fulfill and transfer only what we deliver.  

    We don't use dexterity to manage these fields as eConnect manages this for us (well our code anyway).  I can see easily doing this with dexterity as an option but now you are into more customization than you might want.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

    The default value for Quantity to Invoice is actually the Quantity Ordered. So if we don't touch the 80 lines we didn't fulfill, an invoice would still be generated for them. We've built a script that sets the Quantity to Invoice to 0 for all unfulfilled line items to prevent accidentally invoicing for unfulfilled lines.

    However, none of this touches the Backorder Quantity, which we want GP to populate with the quantity ordered if unfulfilled, or the difference between Qty Ordered and Fulfilled if partially fulfilled. This is the key problem we're trying to solve either with out of the box GP or a plugin.

  • Tim W Profile Picture
    Tim W 2,925 on at
    RE: Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

    What happens if on this 100 line order when you fulfill the 20 lines and transfer it to invoice without touching the other 80 lines?  Do you get a 20 line invoice or a 100 line invoice?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

    Hello Tim -

    Greatly appreciate you taking the time to read and reply. The problem is not that we fulfill 20 pcs of a single line item with order qty of 100. The problem is the order might have 100 *lines* and we fulfill 20 of them, and then must go through the remaining 80 lines and tell GP the qty we wish to backorder *manually*. This inputting of the qty to backorder is simply qty ordered minus qty fulfilled, both of which GP knows, so I'm wondering if there's a way to automate this part.

  • Tim W Profile Picture
    Tim W 2,925 on at
    RE: Can GP13 Automatically Push Unfulfilled Line Items to Backorder?

    Re-reading your query sounds like you do as I described following:  I guess I don't understand where the issue is that makes this difficult to manage. 

    You can transfer from BO to Order and then re-invoice but must companies follow the partial Invoice method in my experience.


    My original thoughts are below: 


    What you describe is pretty well handled by SOP out of the box.

    There is a setting (checkbox in the scrolling window actually) for the Type ID on the Order.  If you drill back to the setup for the type id make sure the 'invoicing of unfulfilled and partially fulfilled orders is checked.

    At this point you can go to a line item (say qty 100), set qty to invoice to match what you have fulfilled (say 20) and on transfer you will invoice the 20.  The 80 are left on the order still to be invoiced.  You could transfer those to a backorder but most companies I've seen keep them in the order state and fulfill as needed creating new invoices.  This is very common.

    You won't get the numbering you describe without a customization but all documents are linked (blue arrow next to document number) and it's an easy query in smartlist to see linked documents


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