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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Send Email using Workflow

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i need to send an email to a group of users when an opportunity is moved to closed status. some of these users don't have accounts in the CRM.

could you please advise on how can i do this task and how can i send an email to a group of users using workflow

please note that i'm working with CRM 2016 on premise


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  • Kokulan Profile Picture
    Kokulan 18,052 on at
    RE: Send Email using Workflow

    Hi Adel,

    Could you please provide the following information?

    01. How these users are grouped? If they are not in CRM, where these email IDs are stored?

    02. When do you want this workflow to trigger? Is it something that you manually trigger or on record events?

  • Suggested answer
    Dynamics365 Rocker Profile Picture
    Dynamics365 Rocker 7,755 on at
    RE: Send Email using Workflow

    Yes you can.

    Click on To field and write email id in default value and click ok.

    Screen shot attached for your help:


  • Suggested answer
    Radu Chiribelea Profile Picture
    Radu Chiribelea 6,667 on at
    RE: Send Email using Workflow


    As a prerequisite you need to

    * enable an email sending option (Server Side Synchronization or Email Router)

    * Create Contacts for the persons who should receive the emails if they aren't users in CRM

    Is the group / number of users always the same or it can vary?

    If you have the same number of users / are always the same you can configure an Workflow to send out an e-mail to these recipients (Contacts / Users) when the state of an Opporunity changes.

    In the workflow, when you configure the email you can either prepopulate the To field of the Email with the emails that will receive the emails (email will always be sent to these addresses) or you can copy the values from lookups on the Opportunity form pointing to the users / contacts that should receive the email - limitation here is that you will have a limited count of people who can receive the email - depending on the number of lookups on your form, however this approach gives you a bit more flexibility on setting the recipients as these can be changed for each opportunity).

    If the parties receiving the email are dynamically set then you'd need a custom plug-in (code) for the job - which overall i think is the most elegant solution.



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