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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

A error has occurred trying to process your URL

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


In GP 2010 SP3 (11.00.2044), I published an Excel spreadsheet through Excel Report Builder containing sales data with a drill-down on customer number.  When I try to drill down in the spreadsheet on customer number, an error appears saying:  "A error has occurred trying to process your URL".

The grammar on the error is incorrect, by the way.

Regardless, how can I fix this to allow drilling down?  I'm using Office Professional 2010 64-bit, by the way.  I have the necessary permissions, also.  And, I have GP 2010 open in the background.



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  • KirkLivermont Profile Picture
    KirkLivermont 5,985 on at
    RE: A error has occurred trying to process your URL

    Hi Kyle,

    Just curious. Did you ever try a 32 bit install of office?



  • kmalone43 Profile Picture
    kmalone43 886 on at
    RE: A error has occurred trying to process your URL

    Hi Jason,

    We received some unsure troubleshooting from Microsoft & the issue is outstanding but here's what we've heard/found.

    - Microsoft believes it's a Citrix issue

    - Citrix believes it's a Microsoft issue

    - Certain 3rd party applications in GP may block the connection when working via Citrix (this is what is believed to be ultimately blocking our connection but not yet confirmed).  Here are the apps in our broken environment that we do not have in our working environment which is also 2010.

    - Rockton Smartfill

    - Cultura Cinch

    - GP Power Tools

    A few troubleshooting steps that we received along the way were:

    1.)  Run this process monitor & take a look through the logs for issues (or forward to Microsoft/Partner). -

    Here are the provided instructions:

    1. Once the file is downloaded, extract the file and double click the ProcMon.exe file to launch the program.

    a. In process monitor click ”File>Capture events” to stop the logging.

    2. Click “Edit> Clear Display”.

    a. In GP get right to the point before the issue occurs.

    b. In Process monitor click “File>Capture Events” to start the logging again.

    c. In GP recreate the issue.

    3. As soon as the error message comes up Click File>capture Events in Process monitor again to cancel the logging.

    4. Click “File > Save”.

    5. Save the file in CSV format and zip the file. Once this is completed it can be forwarded to me for review.

    2.) Grant user security access to reg keys located on the client server(s) @

    - HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASP.NET_2.0.50727\Names

    - HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASP.NET_4.0.0303129\Names

    - HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASP.NET_64_2.0.50727\Names

    3.) Try this workaround

    1. Log out of the domain Administrator's GP session and drill backs will begin working for all non-Admin users on that machine.

    In English, have all users exit any RDP sessions directly on involved SQL & client servers and try the process again.  This made no difference for us.

    All in all, we're still in the same place that we started.  The next steps will be do install another instance of GP without any 3rd parties and try the drill-back.  From there, we may be able to identify specifically which 3rd party is causing the issue.

  • kmalone43 Profile Picture
    kmalone43 886 on at
    RE: A error has occurred trying to process your URL

    Hi Jason,

    We received some unsure troubleshooting from Microsoft & the issue is outstanding but here's what we've heard/found.

    - Microsoft believes it's a Citrix issue

    - Citrix believes it's a Microsoft issue

    - Certain 3rd party applications in GP may block the connection when working via Citrix (this is what is believed to be ultimately blocking our connection but not yet confirmed).  Here are the apps in our broken environment that we do not have in our working environment which is also 2010.

    - Rockton Smartfill

    - Cultura Cinch

    - GP Power Tools

    A few troubleshooting steps that we received along the way were:

    - Run this process monitor & take a look through the logs for issues (or forward to Microsoft/Partner). -

    1. Once the file is downloaded, extract the file and double click the ProcMon.exe file to launch the program. 

    a. In process monitor click ”File>Capture events” to stop the logging.

    2. Click “Edit> Clear Display”.

    a. In GP get right to the point before the issue occurs.

    b. In Process monitor click “File>Capture Events” to start the logging again.

    c. In GP recreate the issue.

    3. As soon as the error message comes up Click File>capture Events in Process monitor again to cancel the logging. 

    4. Click “File > Save”. 

    5. Save the file in CSV format and zip the file. Once this is completed it can be forwarded to me for review.

    Here are the provided instructions:

    - Grant user security access to reg keys located on the client server(s) @ 

    -          HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASP.NET_2.0.50727\Names

    -          HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASP.NET_4.0.0303129\Names

    -          HKEY_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ASP.NET_64_2.0.50727\Names

  • Jason Buckingham Profile Picture
    Jason Buckingham 1,340 on at
    RE: A error has occurred trying to process your URL

    Any updates on this?  I am having the same issue.

  • kmalone43 Profile Picture
    kmalone43 886 on at
    RE: A error has occurred trying to process your URL

    Hi John,

    Am digging up the archive on this one but did you ever find a solution?  We're currently unable to drill-back from Management Reporter or via Excel after using the Reconcile to GL tool.

    We're on a Citrix environment and using GP 2013 R2.

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