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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

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Posted on by 445

I am getting these errors from the MR data mart integration every 5 minutes:

Operation: GL Transaction to Fact

Total Message Count: 5

Record ID:





The log for database 'tempdb' is not available. Check the event log for related error messages. Resolve any errors and restart the database.



5:56 PM

Operation: ExchangeRateProvider to Exchange Rate

Total Message Count: 1

Record ID:





The log for database 'tempdb' is not available. Check the event log for related error messages. Resolve any errors and restart the database.



5:55 PM

So far I've done the following:

  • Checked the SQL Activity logs - There are no errors relating to tempdb or the data mart.
  • Stopped and Started the SQL Server service to recreate tempdb.  Tempdb recovery is set to Simple so there is no log file.
  • Recreated the MRDataMart DB.
  • Checked the Event Viewer logs and the MR Integration Console logs and did not find these errors.

What can I do to resolve the issue that is causing these messages?  Thanks.

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    Lou@ACE Profile Picture
    Lou@ACE 445 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    Here's the wrap on this issue.

    Over the weekend we shut down the MR Integration Services and disabled the integration.  Then we rebooted the DB and application servers.  The curious thing was that during the hour plus that the MR services and integration were inactive, I continued to get those emailed tempdb error notifications every 5 minutes.  There were still no related errors in SQL activity logs or Event Viewer.  Of course the MR integration logs were unavailable. 

    I was all set to open a support case Monday morning when I noticed that the email notifications stopped at 10:46 pm Sunday evening.  The DBA told me that a Windows Update was applied to the database server around that time and he things that probably resolved the tempdb error, which could have been a false positive.  Thanks for all your comments.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    Maybe some of the ideas from my buddy Steve Endow will help.

    This guy is a genius!

    Have you tried exporting out building blocks and completely removing all traces of MR and then reinstalling with the most recent version and importing the building blocks?

    Can you log into SQL using the Windows credentials for the account running the MR services?

  • Lou@ACE Profile Picture
    Lou@ACE 445 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    We only have one company.  I appreciate the suggestions.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    Do you have more than one company in MR? Perhaps turning off MR for all but one company and then adding then back one by one may help isolate the problem. You may want to rebuild the DM each time you add a company.

  • Lou@ACE Profile Picture
    Lou@ACE 445 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    It worked like clock work up until Tuesday morning which is when the notifications started.  Security was fine then but I will check on the service account for MR in case it was affected by a group policy roll down.  It's unlikely but we'll check that off.  I doubt that a security issue would cause issues on these two specific maps within the integration.  I'm more inclined to think it may be corrupt or out of range data that needs to be tracked down.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    Did this ever work? Are you using the latest version of MR? 'sa' is fine for the integration but what about the service accounts running MR? Do they have the sysadmin role? Are they in the local admin group on this server? I am wondering if you are fighting some security issue.

  • Lou@ACE Profile Picture
    Lou@ACE 445 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    Nope.  No apparent issues with tempdb.  Nothing in the event viewers.  I already inserted sa for the integration.

    It may come down to running a trace because the notifications reference 2 specific maps in the DM Integration and always the same number of items.  I may need to get into the weeds and pin those down.  I was hoping to avoid that.


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    In SSMS the tempdb database is not marked as offline or read-only is it? Is there anything in your event viewer that may yield a clue? Try running SQL Profiler to see if this shows anything. Also, elevate the domain account being used to run the MR services to sysadmin just see if it is a security issue. Start and stop the services after elevation.

  • Lou@ACE Profile Picture
    Lou@ACE 445 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    There is a log file.  However, no transaction logs are generated as configured with Simple recovery mode.  That was the case before the notifications began appearing.  Nothing has changed with the setup.  The notifications are coming from the DM Integration, not from SQL Server.

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,730 on at
    RE: MR Data Mart Integration error: The log for database 'tempdb' is not available.

    There has to be a log file for tempdb. Is it called temp.ldf?

    If you go into SSMS and then System Databases and right click on tempdb -> Properties -> Files scroll to the right to see where this file is kept. You may find that now has several partitions.

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