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Activities not showing in timeline on Opportunity

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Just a question on a Contacts Activities not showing in the corresponding Opportunity timeline.

I can see a number of activities in the Contacts timeline today but I can't see any of the same activities in the corresponding Opportunity timeline. Anyone know what might cause that? It doesent appear to be happening for all of our users either, just a couple. We switched to the Unified interface exclusively today but we had been using legacy and unified for the last few weeks to get people used to the new system and there were no problems until today. Is there anything I might be overlooking?

Thanks as always


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Activities not showing in timeline on Opportunity

    Hey Ted,

    I would suggest to you check the following points:

    • Privileges for affected users. Simple test would be identify an activity inside this opportunity and see if the user can read/open this record. Also, elevate the user could help during troubleshooting
    • Filters that could be applied for the timeline
    • Check if the affected users are accessing the same form where timeline is available


  • RE: Activities not showing in timeline on Opportunity

    Hi Ted,

    Based on your feedback that this issue is occurring only for certain users I would take a look at the permissions of those users and check if they are able to open (read) the activities that you believe they should be seeing in the timeline. It could very well be that in those specific examples the contact is owned for example by a User from a different business unit and the user has only local read permissions and hence can't see the record.

    Please do let me know if you are able to verify whether this is a permission/privilege issue and what is the outcome, curious to know :)

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