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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce

Sales order picking with staging

Posted on by 176
I have a scenario where a sales order is being picked by a forklift employee to a staging point and then picked up by a different forklift employee and delivered to the dock door.  First issue I'm having is this is done simultaneously.  For instance, forklift employee A places a pallet to the staging area from a storage location while forklift employee B is picking that same pallet up for the dock door.  This process will go until the sales order is completely loaded.  Next issue is they require each LP scanned and process individually at both steps, no target license plate at the stage.  Anyone run into this or know if there is an OOB solution?
  • Verified answer
    taschliman Profile Picture
    taschliman 176 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    FYI, wasn't able to use work header breaks by license plate or specific quantity, but was able to use the quantity maximums on the work template to get me what I needed.
  • taschliman Profile Picture
    taschliman 176 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    Hi Drew, great to hear from you.  It is the work breaks, thanks, but I'm not sure which setting to break up the picks by LP since we are using Batch below.  Any suggestions?
  • andrewlencsak Profile Picture
    andrewlencsak 291 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    Hi Trent, long time no see :) Did you have to use work breaks in the Work template header at all to achieve what you had?
  • taschliman Profile Picture
    taschliman 176 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    I do.  I remember configuring this a while back, but don't remember how.  Pretty sure it can be done.  I'll keep playing with it and let you know what I find.  Thanks for the responses.
  • lvdtang Profile Picture
    lvdtang 1,901 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    Have you configured already a product specific unit conversion? 
    After the configuration of the unit conversion you need to setup also the unit sequence group.

    Best regards,
    Laurens van der Tang
  • taschliman Profile Picture
    taschliman 176 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    Sorry, we have the LP's setup to represent a pallet quantity, so if the order quantity is 100 and the pallet quantity is 50 I would expect separate work created for picking each pallet.  Hope this helps.  Thanks for your response.
  • lvdtang Profile Picture
    lvdtang 1,901 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    Hi Trent,
    What do you mean exactly with 'work created by LP'? For example, when you have a sales order with 10 lines, do you want that the system creates one license plate for 10 lines?
    Best regards,
  • taschliman Profile Picture
    taschliman 176 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    Thank you, Kevin and Laurens,
    I do have the work template setup for staging, but I need to have work created by LP for the initial picking to the stage location so the other individuals can pick by LP from that stage location.  This will allow them to pick and put by LP throughout the process and have more than one individual working in the process.  If you have a solution for this process, I'd be happy to give it a try.  Currently, I have them selecting the Full option in the mobile app to separate the initial pick to the stage location.  It seems to work, but a bit cumbersome.  I was hoping to get the Pick work created directly from the processing of the wave.  Thanks again for your responses.
  • Suggested answer
    lvdtang Profile Picture
    lvdtang 1,901 on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    Good day Trent,

    I believe you can accomplish this by adding an extra pick & put step in the work template for the work order type 'sales orders':
    Best regards,
    Laurens van der Tang
  • Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Sales order picking with staging
    You can solve this problem through custom development, you can create a workflow or business flow and develop custom logic. Or you can look for help from a partner, and the corresponding link is Find the right app | Microsoft AppSource.
    Best regards,

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