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Concern and question regarding Financial Dimensions for Offset Account

Posted on by 28
Hello everyone! 
I am currently encountering an issue related to financial dimensions, specifically, when I select the “ledger” account type and input all mandatory financial dimensions (such as local main account, international main account code, and department), I face challenges with the offset account.
The offset account, in this case, I am selecting a bank account. Keep in mind, I have already pre-set specific financial dimensions for this bank account in the bank card. However, when the bank is used as the offset account, the system does not retrieve the pre-set financial dimensions from the bank card. Instead, it defaults to the dimensions associated with the account type (i.e., ledger in our case).
My question is: Are there any options to ensure that the correct financial dimensions are applied to the bank when it gets selected as the offset account, based on the pre-set dimensions in the bank card?
Thank you very much!
  • Verified answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 20,726 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Concern and question regarding Financial Dimensions for Offset Account
    System is working as per design of it.
    I can understand the issue you are facing, for this we did some customization.
    However I can suggest one more way to do this. 
    If you are fine to use per bank = one and only ledger account unique then you can fix the dimension in ledger account by legal entity overrides.
    By the above way even if the ledger dimensions comes into the offset, after posting the setup fixed dimensions will be posted.

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