How can i add multiple values in the search box for lookup records highlighted yellow box.
E.g. i want to find and
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How can i add multiple values in the search box for lookup records highlighted yellow box.
E.g. i want to find and
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What about testing this? For a smaler amount of records it works oob
Tip #1295: Quickly search for multiple records in advanced find | Power Platform & Dynamics CRM Tip Of The Day
This is a great solution! Thanks
Have you got any videos/screenshots of how it works?
Be interested to see
I also had search problem in Microsoft Dynamics until I developed my own solution.
its simple and fast to use!
You can use it now
I think this is exactly what you wanted
GitHub link:
Trevors solution will help you out.
What are you trying to do with this lookup?
The other option would be to use Visual Studio SSIS with the KingswaySoft connector for CRM. You can then have a SQL table with your list of email addresses and do a lookup against the entity records. The benefit with this is you can then transform the data, add columns etc and update back into Dynamics at the same time.
Here is a basic example of updating the prices for Products in Dynamics. The lookup contains the link to the SQL table. Usually I will have error outputs and send them to SQL as well however this one was basic and I knew that all records where in both Dynamics and SQL so just had the Union All in case I was wrong
Hi r4vvm
It would be great if there was a simple way of doing this but as others have pointed out there doesn’t seem to be any OOB solution. I needed to do something similar on a regular basis so my work around it to use the XRMtoolbox - Fetchbuilder and Excel. It’s a bit of a clunky solution but is a way of getting the desired result. Create your basic view in advanced find manually adding the first two email address and save. Open that view with the Fetchbuilder and view the fetch. My example is account based so it look like below.
< fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
<entity name="account">
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="primarycontactid" />
<attribute name="telephone1" />
<attribute name="customertypecode" />
<attribute name="accountid" />
<order attribute="name" descending="false" />
<filter type="and">
<filter type="or">
<condition attribute="name" operator="like" value="Test1%" />
<condition attribute="name" operator="like" value="Test2%" />
I create a an Excel workbook where I paste my list of data I want to search for in column A. In column B I copy and paste the first part of the fetch code that searches for the account name being
<condition attribute="name" operator="like" value="
Then in column C the last bit of the fetch being: %" />
In column D using the Concatenate function we bring the code back together
=concatenate(B1,A1,C1). Highlight B1:D1 and double click he fill handle you now have x lines of code ready to be pasted back into your view using XRMtoolbox fetch builder replacing the text between
<filter type="or">
(Paste code between these lines)
I usually paste out to notepad first to clean up the formatting before pasting into the Fetchbuilder (it will add the cell borders otherwise.
Save your view and now when you open your view in Dynamics it will return and matched results. I would also save your excel file for future use. My workbook has grown over the last couple of years with worksheets for querying different entities, searching for part and exact matches etc.
As I mentioned this is a bit clunky but sure beats creating a advanced view manually entering in hundreds of queries and you can then use the template over and over. I would be interested to hear if anyone else has a is simpler solution.
BTW: there is a 500 max queries results that can be returned so keep that in mind.
Hope this makes sense and is of some help.
Unfortunately its not possible in CRM by OOB functionality.
if there is nothing in common with the email addresses or users, it is not possible without scripting something or using another tool. This is not a native function.
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