Hi, May I ask if your problem has been solved? If you have encountered other problems while implementing the solution, or need us to provide a more complete solution, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best Regards, Rudy Zhang
Hi, Based on the error message for the information you provided, we believe that an update conflict has occurred because another user process has deleted a record or changed one or more fields in a record", which typically occurs when trying to update a table that has been previously updated by another operation. Make sure that no other processes may be updating the same records at the same time. This could be other batch tasks or users who are modifying data. Also, based on the screenshot you provided we cannot tell which application in the Dynamics 365 family you are using, can you provide more information please? This will help us better pinpoint what is creating the issue. I hope my answer is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. Best Regards, Rudy Zhang
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