A batch payment of sum £685k was done by AP clerk, payment raised at the bank (online access) and journal posted in NAV. When the bank rec was uploaded in NAV, somehow this amount is split into two (correctly imported from the bank). Now I have two bank statement lines against one bank account ledger entry. When attempting to match the three lines (two on the bank statement and one on the ledger entries), only one bank statement line is applied and naturally leaves out the balance (that matches up the the bank statement line that has not been applied) even though the net effect is zero. Naturally the bank rec will not post as there is still a bank statement line that has not been matched.
How do I work around or solve this problem?
Surely the simplest solution is to just roll the statement line into 1. Your remark around "somehow" the payment is split in two suggests this is the most logical answer.
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