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Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

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We're running into an issue where one of our co-manufacturers has a different ship to address from it's ship from address. The difference is only in address line 2 and it specifies a different door to pick up from. Is there a way we can set up a location to have a different ship to and ship from address? Currently we're manually updating this whenever we ship from that location since the docks are on opposite sides of the facility. Full details below:

Receiving Dock

123 ABC lane

Dock 4

Shipping Dock

123 ABC lane

Dock 23

  • Suggested answer
    Azqar Profile Picture
    Azqar 52 on at
    Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card
    just made a fresh video if this helps 
  • Suggested answer
    Azqar Profile Picture
    Azqar 52 on at
    Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card
    you can go to the customer Shipping tab if you want to setup a different address where it says ship-to -code
    you can also select location code where the want to ship the item from. , above video show you all the basics of how to
    • Configure core customer settings including shipping agents, locations, and shipping addresses

    you can also change address on Address & contact which will change its permanent address
  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 993 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    My understanding is that what we are trying to achieve here is to have two addresses on the same location because it can be a large facility where some activity will happen on one part of the facility and other activity will happen on another part of a large facility. But we want to keep it as the same location within BC. It is more a question of where the loading and unloading should happen.  Could be 10 different gates at a large facility or different buildings  / parts of buildings but still the same location seen from Business Central. And that I think can only be solved with customization as for now. I think it is great that you submitted it as a product idea.

  • RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    Joshua, I know this doesn’t seem very intuitive but again what you are looking for is the location that you want the vendor to ship to. Not the order address from which you want the vendor to ship from.

    You need to set up a location in Business Central or NAV to use for this purpose. This is one of those set ups that typically defines one of your locations or warehouses as when you place an order with a vendor they are usually shipping to you. In this case you will create a location that you will identify as the comanufacturer warehouse.

    When you create the location, make sure that it is very clear that It belongs to the comanufacturer, not to your organization. This should work for you.

  • Joshua_saul Profile Picture
    Joshua_saul 53 on at
    RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    Hi Zhu,

    Thank you for the recommendation here. I just tried this and it looks like an alternate vendor address only affects the buy from address. So when we print the PO it has the alternate address under "Vendor", but not ship to. Since it's a co-manufacturer and we're purchasing materials for them to store at their location, we have the location address as the ship to.

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,723 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    Hi, just adding an idea, can Alternate Vendor Address meet your needs?




  • RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    When this is a frequently recurring issue, I also recommend to setup a location for this purpose. Just be certain to name it in a manner that is easily understood by all users.

  • Suggested answer
    Joshua_saul Profile Picture
    Joshua_saul 53 on at
    RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    Hi, thank you all for your answers! The bin functionality wasn't helpful since I need the info updated on the header level, but it was helpful for resolving another issue. I'm pasting a link below that has an ok workaround to this, and will submit it as a product idea!

  • Suggested answer
    Akash Shukla Profile Picture
    Akash Shukla 335 on at
    RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    Hi Joshua,

    You can create two bins under the same location as stated by Yun. At the time making any shipments or receipt you can select the bin code in the line.


    I believe this helpful to you.

    Thank you,

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,723 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Setting up different ship to and ship from addresses on location card

    Hi, I think generally this is done using Zone or Bin. But the disadvantage is that it must be filled in the line instead of the header.

    For example,


    Hope this helps.



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