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Do Not Bulk Email - Running Multiple Brands

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

We are running multiple brands out of our one Dynamics Marketing instance. I am currently in the process of setting up Subscription Centres and eDM templates for each. One issue I'm facing is the compulsory 'Do Not Email' check box. In its current form, anyone checking this box will be unsubscribed from all Group emails even if they are only unsubscribing from one brand. This is a real issue as there is some considerable cross-over between a number of our brand offerings. 

Does anyone have a work around for this?


  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Do Not Bulk Email - Running Multiple Brands


    Maybe you could consider the following solution also:

    How and where to publish your subscription centers

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Do Not Bulk Email - Running Multiple Brands


    Sorry but there will be no better way. The unsubscribe link is required in marketing email and the option is required in subscription center.

    Here is the documentation which can be referred to:

    Set up a subscription center (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Do Not Bulk Email - Running Multiple Brands

    Cool, thanks for the reply. I've done something similar - opting out of communications from all of our ventures. I was hoping there may have been another way around. The way we keep group CPA low is to go for leads that can be cross-graded into other products and services under the one umbrella. This just puts a small speed bump in that.


  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Do Not Bulk Email - Running Multiple Brands


    The "Do Not Email" option will change the "donotbulkemail" field of Contact entity. So if it is ticked, the contact will no longer get the Commercial emails. (It can be referred to: Set the legal designation to identify each message as either commercial or transactional)

    However, the option is required in marketing form whose type is Subscription Center.

    It is recommended to create different subscription lists for the brands.

    And then add the lists into the subscription center.

    As the text of the option can be customized, you can change the text of the "Do Not Email" option (the 2nd option in screenshot) to something like unsubscribe from all emails and change the text of the individual subscription list (the 1st option in screenshot) to the text of the specific brand you are subscribing to.


    So that the contacts can choose to simply opt out of a specific brand's subscription list or to unsubscribe from all emails.

    But it is also necessary to add the condition that the contact exists in this subscription list to the audience in the Customer Journey when sending subsequent emails.

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