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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Phone Calls and phone call history

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hey there.

We are using phone calls on a daily basis in our sales process.

I see that a lot of sellers only use one phone call to track all the call history. Let me try to explain with an example:

Call From: Jane Doe

Call To: John doe

Subject: Offer Review


01/12 - Need to call John Doe tomorrow since hes traveling

02/12 - Had a offer review, pointet out some changes to the offer, sending him email and following up 04/12

04/12 - The offer looks good, sending him an agreement and following up 12/12

12/12 - Signing the offer today, call tomorrow

Due date: 13/12 (they change the due date of the open phone call to when they are calling next time and saves the phone call)

Basically what happens in these cases, is that an account/opportuntiy only have one call while they have been working on the case for a long time with several phone calls but every phone call is tracked in one phone call with the dates they have called.

The reason sellers do this, is for them to easier see the previous phone call activities regarding the case. They have easy access in the same Phone Call form to create a follow-up phone call with new subject, description and due date but they find it a hassle since they have to review activitylist in social pane and open previous phone calls completed to read up on the history.

Is there any easier way for sellers to see the complete phone call history and making them create actuall new phone call activities?

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  • Suggested answer
    PranavShroti Profile Picture
    PranavShroti 4,510 on at
    RE: Phone Calls and phone call history

    well no direct way of doing this in CRM. You can write a simple WF/Plugin to do this merging for you.

    hope this helps.

  • Suggested answer
    Alex Fun Wei Jie Profile Picture
    Alex Fun Wei Jie 33,626 on at
    RE: Phone Calls and phone call history


    you can either build a subgrid that point to phone call activities and show it in the grid or report.

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