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Customized Customer aging report Using COC issues

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Hi, there hope so you are all well.
I have an issue when I create a Customer aging report using a chain of command. when I extended Dp-class and added my custom field in CustAgingReportTmp Tmp DB then no data showed on my custom field that was added in Tmp DB Like: SalesMan, TotalCreditMax
My following Code is:

CustAgingReportDP is the name of the main Dp class & after the extension of this class when I called below mentioned /insertCustAgingReportTmp/ method and I want to show data on the report.  but not show data in hard code & my logic.
The first way to get data.
final class CustAgingReportDP_Extension

protected CustAgingReportTmp insertCustAgingReportTmp(boolean _reverseAmountsAndHeadings)


         CustAgingReportTmp custAgingReportTmp = next insertCustAgingReportTmp(_reverseAmountsAndHeadings);    

         custAgingReportTmp.TotalCreditMax = 12;
         custAgingReportTmp.SalesMan = 'aaa';

         return custAgingReportTmp;



The Second Way to get data using a table event handler:

class CustAgingReportDP _Eventhandler
    [DataEventHandler(tableStr(CustAgingReportTmp), DataEventType::Inserting)]
    public static void CustAgingReportTmp_onInserting(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)
        CustAgingReportTmp   CustAgingReportTmp= sender as CustAgingReportTmp;
        custAgingReportTmp.TotalCreditMax = 12;
        custAgingReportTmp.SalesMan = 'aaa';
So please check it out, and help me. how to get data using the COC method & changing customer requirements report.



Ahmad Hassan.

  • Verified answer
    Ahmad0751 Profile Picture
    Ahmad0751 46 on at
    Customized Customer aging report Using COC issues
    Thanks to all for my help. 👍😍

    get a point and solved it. missing these lines after added solved it and show record on report.
    • custAgingReportTmp.clear();
    • custAgingReportTmp.insert();
    final class CustAgingReportDP_Extension

    protected CustAgingReportTmp insertCustAgingReportTmp(boolean _reverseAmountsAndHeadings)



             CustAgingReportTmp custAgingReportTmp = next insertCustAgingReportTmp(_reverseAmountsAndHeadings);    
            // custAgingReportTmp.clear();  // this line missed after R&D then added these lines
             custAgingReportTmp.TotalCreditMax = 12;
             custAgingReportTmp.SalesMan = 'aaa';

            // custAgingReportTmp.insert(); // this line missed after R&D then added these lines

             return custAgingReportTmp;




  • Suggested answer
    Ahmad0751 Profile Picture
    Ahmad0751 46 on at
    Customized Customer aging report Using COC issues
    Hi Mohit Rampal,
    I think so you can't understand my question my question is how to get the system default method & change some logic as per user requirements, because I try multiple time different method hit that are use in system main Dp class like: CustAgingReportDP,  but data not show in my customized fields.

    any one help me??
  • Ahmad0751 Profile Picture
    Ahmad0751 46 on at
    Customized Customer aging report Using COC issues
    Yes my new design and deployed it. build and sync, but not showing data in these field.
    Ahmad Hassan,
  • Suggested answer
    Mohit Rampal Profile Picture
    Mohit Rampal 12,552 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Customized Customer aging report Using COC issues
     Hi Ahmad, As Komi mentioned, please ensure that your new report design is executed and SalesManTotalCreditMax fields are displayed in your report. If displaying and you have already debugged the code and values are populating correctly from code level, then try resetting usage data and restarting SQL Server reporting Service.
  • Suggested answer
    Komi Siabi Profile Picture
    Komi Siabi 12,759 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Customized Customer aging report Using COC issues
    Hello Ahmad, 
    Could you please confirm that, your new design is what is showing? If yes, have you deployed the report?

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