I have seen this error relating to Active Directory and Outlook not being able to resolve the addresses in
the 'To:', 'Cc:' and 'Bcc:' lines from the Customer Maintenance Options window (Cards | Sales | Customer | Options button). To test,
please check this location for all customers that are a part of the CM query in use. If you see any of the 'To:', 'Cc:' and 'Bcc:' fields
populated with Active Directory addresses and not full e-mail addresses, please change to the full e-mail address before retesting.
For example, my active directory listing for internal e-mail would be 'jegrant'. If I was listed as 'jegrant' on the Customer Maintenance
Options window, the system would likely error. Instead, my listing should read 'jegrant@microsoft.com' (full e-mail address) to process
correctly through Dynamics CM.
Are you processing through a Citrix Environment? If so, how is the user accessing the program? If they are not
logging in directly to a remote desktop (seeing the entire desktop), the Windows environment will not be able to associate the Dynamics
user with the Windows e-mail profile and will produce this type of error. Unfortunately, if this is the case there would not be a
workaround other than producing the e-mailed items from a machine that is not logging into Dynamics through a Citrix server
If you are not in a Citrix Environment, there are a few other items to test to determine if the system e-mail settings may
be the cause of this error.
First, on the erring machine, go to Start | Run and select 'OK' after typing in the following line (including the colon)
Does a new email message open up for Outlook when this is run? If not, e-mail may not be configured correctly to produce the e-mails
without error. You can also right click a file that is on the desktop of the erring computer and select Send To | Mail Recipient to see if an
e-mail message populates.
Last, pull up any report in GP and have it print to the screen. Click the 'Send to' button and select Mail Recipient (Text), which should also
pull up an e-mail message if configured correctly to work with Dynamics.
Regarding the e-mail options, the system needs to be a MAPI-Compliant e-mail service or you will see similar error.
Is the report in question modified? If so, try printing an un-modified report to see if the same
error generates. Also, are you using a Forms Printer/Crystal Reporting? If so, there is incompatibility between Crystal Reports and the
Collections Management module that doesn't allow you to e-mail modified reports created with Crystal Reporting. Instead you would
need to use the standard system reports. If using .PDF/Adobe, you need to insure you have Adobe Writer installed on that workstation
you are sending the report from and the CM user has full security access to it.
Please check on the above suggestions.