Hello Dynamics Team,
We are facing very critical issue. In test Sandbox we are using Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 where everything works fine. But in production enviornment we have Dynamcis 365, and active phase is not changing but pipeline is changing in Opportunity.
Please find below steps :-
Screen Phase :- Step 1 Opportunity is creating.
Screen Phase :- Step 2
When we are moving to next phase, plugins are getting executing multiple times. Even I disabled all the plugins m but still Subgrid is getting refreshed.
Screen Phase: - Step 3 :- Now main problem is that after refershing the page Pipeline phase is changed to “Proposal“ but active stage is “Screening” only.
Could anyone please help us to find out the root cause.
Thanks in advance!!!!
Kind Regards,
Surjeet Singh
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