Is there a way to create your own Communicator Events?
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Is there a way to create your own Communicator Events?
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Hi Kenf58,
You can create events but I don't have a formal procedure on how to do so. You could create a new executable which would search for a particular event in a sql table. SL looks for these "events" in the CO folder in the SL install. You could add this executable to SL by doing the following:
1. Open Code Type Maintenance and type in EVNT
2. Flip the category from "reserved" to "user maintained"
3. Open Code File maintenance- Select code type EVNT
4. You should see the list of executables here - You can add to them however they will by default look for them in the CO directory.
Events are contained in "Alert groups'. You can set up a New Alert group, and setup each event in the alert group. Or you can add a new event to an alert group.
I'm not sure if this is helpful. A list of existing events is located in the Communicator user guide.
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