I am currently attempting to install Dynamics GP 2010 on the first client in our environment. SQL Server 2008 R2 has already been installed on a separate server. I am installing GP 2010 on Windows Server 2008 R2.
My Question: Is it possible to install Dynamics GP 2010 without using the sa account?
I have read through the following similar post but it did not answer my question:
In our environment the sa account is disabled and the dba's do not want to enable it for the GP install.
I have read through the installation documentation for GP 2010 and it says "You must be logged in as a system administrator to complete database and system functions within Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities". Does this mean you must log in as "sa" or you must log in with a sql account that has system admin permissions?
The installation documentation also states that the sa account must be entered when creating the ODBC. Is this required for all GP client ODBC's or can a different account be used? If a different account can be used, what permissions are required?
I am attempting to complete the install without the sa account. Here are the steps I have taken so far:
1. Logged in as a server administrator I have successfully ran through the GP 2010 install and chose not to install any features (we use HR and Fixed Assets but I will install these features later)
2. I have created a SQL Server account with SQL Server Authentication named "gpinstallacct" for installing GP and have convinced the dba's to give it the systemadmin server role just for the install. We have also given this account access and made it owner for all the system databases.
I can successfully login to SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the default instance with this new account. (GP databases will be installed on this default instance)
3. When I run Dynamics Utilities and try to login with this sql server account I get the error message "This login has failed. Attempt to Login Again or Contact Your System Administrator".
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